Chapter 24 - Maddy

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I love the number 24. I don't know why. But I'm sad I have to make chapter 24 sad :(

also, i'd really like to apologize for disappearing again. :c i'm really hoping i can update more often, but i tend to do the opposite of what I i hope i never update again? lulz, jk. well no. not not kidding...oh well. enjoy :P


I got up the next morning covered in blankets and puffy eyes. Aimee was in her own little cocoon to my left, laptop faithfully by her side. I immediately wanted to go back to sleep, sleep for a thousand years until I was somewhere completely new, completely lost, and completely alone.

I felt ridiculous for crying over someone, especially a little puppy dog crush that was doomed from the start. What had I been reduced to? A mass of giggles and tears and hopeless wondering, because of him. I can barely stand to say his name, let alone let all those great memories - his house, the soccer games, the practice we spent alone - each was a painful prick in my chest. Was it all just made to be thrown away, like this?

I'll have to deal with him eventually, I'll have to look him in the eye and confront today. Oh no. Today? What if I burst out crying, or lash out, or I don't even know. I don't know.

There were too many things to comprehend at once. I had a game in an hour and a half, I need to focus. In fact, this game was the only thing that was keeping my focus right now, keeping me sort of under control. What would I do when I see him? I'll figure it out when I get there. I'll figure it all out later, not now, not before a game.

I gently woke Aimee up and gathered my things to get ready to go, took a shower, and grabbed a small snack. We got ready in silence. I was ready for this game, ready to take every mad ounce of hatred out on anyone who dare try and get past the goal, and I think Aimee understood it. She didn't bring it back up, didn't say a word.

"Well you two are quiet. Is everything alright?" Aimee's mother questioned as the car rolled down the leaf-covered back roads.

"We're fine. Just...tired." Aimee replied. I could feel her look over at me and turn abruptly.

"I hope not, you've got a tough game today! Carrol County is known to be rough."

"I think we can take them. Especially with -" Aimee hesitated and cleared her throat,"- you know, with Derek back and all."

More anger coursed through me like nothing before. I clenched my water bottle tighter.

"Oh, that's right, thank goodness. You guys really need to start racking up those wins. I bet he's glad to be back too then, that boy always looks so fidgety on the sidelines."

"Thanks so much for the ride and letting me sleepover, Mrs. Cook." I said before breaking open the car door. I tried to say it in my sweetest voice, but I was so infuriated with Derek and everything that had happened in the past 24 hours I don't think I did.

"Anytime, sweetheart. Good luck girls!"

Aimee joined me in silence, once again. I didn't understand why I was so mad right now, but I wasn't trying to contain it. Yes, Derek led me on big time, and crushed my heart into a million pieces. But wouldn't normal girls be crying a lot more, not ready to rip the stuffing out of every teddy bear she sees?

"Hey, did you, uh, want to tal -"

"Not now Aimee." (I shouldn't be treating her like this).

"Okay, it's okay..." She left me in silence again as we headed out to the benches. Coincidentally, Wyatt and Derek were stretching when we got there. Another hot surge of anger rushed back through me as I willed myself not to march up and kick the daylights out of him. I could do it, look how vulnerable he is on the ground...

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