Chapter 13

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Tucker's face remained calm and collected as my heart threatened to break out of my chest

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Tucker's face remained calm and collected as my heart threatened to break out of my chest. From the look on his face, he obviously meant nothing by his words. The blush on my face was entirely because I was uncomfortable being complimented.

"Tuck?" an unfamiliar voice asked from behind me.

I turned and watched as the pretty blonde girl approached us. Tucker's eyes softened noticeably as his girlfriend approached. She grabbed his arm and smiled up at him. 

"Where have you been? You disappeared as soon as we came in, babe."

I resisted the urge to retch at her use of pet names. 'Babe' and 'baby' were used by solely unoriginal people. Tucker kissed his girlfriend on the forehead and I fiddled my thumbs, thinking of the best way to remove myself from the situation.

"Rose, this is Ben's friend."

She turned her 100-watt smile in my direction and stuck out a manicured hand. I like cuticle care as much as the next girl, but her manicured hand repelled me. I did not want to touch her and suddenly see her and Tucker in some compromising position.

"Eloise, right?"

Her smile didn't reach her eyes, pulling perfect lips into a tight line. She was the kind of pretty that you saw on a CW tv show. I was doing my best to like her, but using my full name didn't win her any points. I shook her hand anyway, letting out a deep sigh when no rush of visions entered my head.

"It's Lou, actually," I explained quickly. "Nice to meet you."

She nodded her head and squeezed onto her boyfriend a little tighter. I took that as my cue to leave and bid them both a polite goodbye.

Owein and my mother made a big toast to all of their guests on the stairs in the foyer. She looked happy standing next to her mysterious man. My eyes narrowed as I watched them interact with each other. She seemed truly in love, but him- I couldn't tell.

"Kind of a weird couple, huh?"

I turned to see Lucas Joy bouncing on the balls of his feet next to me, his little brother's hand in his own. Both kids were dressed haphazardly in formal attire. They had the Joy boy charm, of course, so naturally, they still radiated.

"Yep, I was thinking the same thing."

Noah looked up at me with big seven-year-old eyes and I almost melted.

"Are you excited to have a daddy?" He asked, innocently.

I was shocked and unable to respond so I just nodded at him.

He shrugged a little, "Yeah, I would be too."

My heart went out to the little boy. Both he and Lucas had already experienced enough tragedy to last a lifetime and neither of them were in middle school yet. Their pain made me realize I didn't have it so bad. At least I didn't know my father so his absence couldn't hurt me as badly.

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