Chapter 18

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Tucker and Ben just stood

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Tucker and Ben just stood. They stood staring at their younger brother as he bled out on their front doorstep. Pushing the two of them out of the way, I snapped into action. I fell to my knees in front of Elias and began lifting his shirt off of the wound to examine it.

"Call 911-" I yelled at the two shellshocked boys behind me.

Neither of them moved.

"Ben, now!" I screeched.

It seemed to awaken the two of them because Ben took off running and Tucker knelt beside me. He applied pressure to Elias' side where the wound was still gushing blood. I began tearing the younger boy's shirt into long strips.

"What are you-"

"He's losing too much blood. We have to stop the bleeding. I need water. Get some water."

Within an instant, Tucker was gone, following my instructions. I didn't stop moving as I ripped the long strips of Elias' shirt with my teeth and applied pressure to his side. The younger boy's eyes were beginning to shut, I could barely see the teal color anymore.

"Elias, wake up!" I shouted and his eyes fluttered back open.

Both Tucker and Ben arrived at the same time with thousands of emotions flitting across their faces. Tucker handed me the water wordlessly and I flushed out his wound.

"The ambulance is on the way," Ben muttered, his voice sounded strange to my ears.

"Eli, can you hear me? Come on man, keep your eyes open. Do it for me, okay? Open those eyes, kid."

I never thought I would ever see the day where Tucker Joy would be on his knees begging, but here he was. Elias gave his older brother a weak, grotesque smile. His face was drained of all color and his lips seemed to pull into a tight white line. Tucker squeezed his brother's hand.

The bandages in my hand were soaked through with blood. I nodded my head at Ben and he quickly left to get something to absorb all of the blood.

"I'm-," Elias began to choke out, "I'm gonna be fine, right?"

Tucker nodded vigorously, gripping his brother's hand so tightly that their fingers were white. As I applied pressure to Elias' wound, I felt something strange in my fingertips. There was a steady flow of warmth that seemed to have originated in my fingertips and began to spread throughout my whole body. My clothes suddenly felt too tight, the room felt too small, and I choked on my own breath. It felt as if flames were licking my hands. It was excruciating and I opened my mouth to scream out in pain but Elias beat me to it.

And then I fainted.


I saw rows and rows of faces like I was looking out at a coliseum full of people. Had I suffered from stage fright, I probably would have wet myself as soon as I realized that they were all staring at me. Not one of them moved.

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