Chapter 16

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Competitive may not have been the right word to describe the Joy boys

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Competitive may not have been the right word to describe the Joy boys. Merciless? Maybe. Ruthless? Definitely.

I couldn't help but let a laugh bubble from my lips as Ben pulled up in his car to the field across from the high school on Saturday afternoon. The sandy-haired boy donned a Saints jersey and black paint streaked under his eyes.

My eyes narrowed in surprise. His appearance didn't shock me, but the other people that piled out of his car did. In the back of the truck sat Elias, Rose, and Tucker. A deep sigh escaped my lips. I didn't have to have psychic abilities to know that this game was going to be very interesting.

Tilly nudged me as she saw that Rose trailed behind the three boys. "It's your best friend."

I rolled my eyes and tightened the strings on my sneakers.

"Wearing white leggings?" I commented quietly. "Does she know how football works?"

Tilly sniggered at my complaints and offered me her hand to help me up. Tilly and I both wore ratty T-shirts and shorts, expecting to be rolling around in the grass. Although, neither of us was very fashionable to begin with, so it wasn't an outlandish look for us.

Once the boys and Rose had walked over, we split into two separate teams. Ben, Rose, and Elias were on my team while Tucker, Harry, and Tilly were on the other. Ben claimed that it was okay that we had an extra player because Rose only counted as half of a player. The blonde barely seemed offended and Tilly and I had to stifle our laughs.

We huddled up in the middle of the field and set natural boundaries as the touchdown zone. As we were going to set up, Elias turned toward the other team's huddle.

"I hope you guys know you're going down! I was the best quarterback in all of the fifth grade."

I rolled my eyes at the younger boy and playfully nudged him with my shoulder as I walked past.

"What? No fifth-grade ref checked you for supernatural powers- whoops, I mean steroids?" I joked under my breath so only he could hear.

His face split into a grin and he shrugged.

"You just wait, Lou. My juiced up ass is about to win this game for us."

Tucker pointed at his younger brother sternly and narrowed his eyes. "Hey! Watch your language or I'll kick your scrawny ass back to fifth grade."

Elias and I looked at Tucker then back at each other. We burst out laughing. There was even a small smile tugging on Tucker's lips.

The huddles separated and we set up in two straight lines, facing each other. I looked up at my opponent only to find familiar chocolate eyes. They were smiling.

"You're going down," he taunted.

"Oh please."

"I don't know if you know this, but I dabbled in football myself."

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