Chapter 30

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I woke from a dreamless sleep in my bed, my head pounding

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I woke from a dreamless sleep in my bed, my head pounding. The memories from last night came flooding back into my brain. Sailing, Tucker and I almost kissing, and Owein-

I shot up in bed at the memory of our latest altercation. My head pounded and my hand ran along my forehead. A large bump had formed on the side and it hurt to touch. The bastard had bashed my head into the goddamned mahogany dining table.

He knew. Owein knew what Tucker and I were trying to do. That meant that Tucker and his entire family were in trouble. I searched for my phone on my bedside table but it was nowhere to be found.

Frantically, I searched and searched my entire bedroom to no avail. I glanced at the alarm clock by my bed and groaned. School started in twenty minutes.

Already making my mind up to skip school, I changed out of last night's clothes and rushed down the stairs. I pulled a beanie over the bump on my head so Mom wouldn't ask questions- not that she'd notice, anyway. She hardly seemed to notice her husband was a complete psycho, so I could probably pass off a bump on the head.

"Lou, perfect! You're awake."

The sound of his voice sent terrible shivers down my spine. Owein rose from where he was sitting on the couch next to my mother. I tried my best to smooth out my features so she wouldn't notice a thing.

"I thought I'd take you to school today since it's raining," he suggested with an amiable smile.

It was such a believable performance that I could see myself falling for it. Mom smiled at me then went back to her bridal magazine, sensing nothing out of the ordinary.

My senses, however, were running rampant. Owein gave off no energy, no aura, no memories, nothing. I felt nothing coming off of him and as such, nothing flowed into me.

"I'd rather walk," I snapped.

Mom looked up from the magazine. Sternly she said, "Eloise, don't be rude. Owein's being very nice."

His smile widened and I could see his canines. They were sharp.

I groaned audibly and headed toward his car without another word. No cellphone to text or call the Joys to warn them and being stuck in a car with a murderer had me a little on edge. When I saw Ben at school, I'd tell him everything.

If I get that far, the annoying pessimistic voice in my head chimed in.

"Eloise, your mother is very important to me-"

"Bullshit," I spat.

He slammed on the breaks and the seatbelt strained against my body. His icy eyes penetrated my own, but I stared back with just as much venom as I could. I was afraid, yes, but he pissed me off last night.

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