Chapter 24

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After a quick call to Gray, I had arranged for us to visit the campsite

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After a quick call to Gray, I had arranged for us to visit the campsite. Apparently, it was impossible to walk right in because of some weird protection thing they had set up. Lucas had called it a spell, but I refused to use that word unless I was going to be enrolling in Hogwarts.

Gray, at first, was excited to hear that I was visiting and then less so when I told him I'd be visiting with Ben and Tucker. He tried to warn me against bringing them along, claiming that the members of his pack would be less than pleased to see them.

"My mother won't meet with them," he had told me, "You, however, she wants to see."

Tucker hadn't liked that one bit. I was beginning to feel warier about visiting the campsite. If it really was the beginning of a war, like Gray had said, bringing Tucker and Ben could either defuse the fire or add gasoline to it.

I met the two boys on the outskirts of the woods. They'd arrived much faster than me. Apparently, wolves were faster than motorcycles. There was something amazing about having the wind in my hair and being flanked by two wolves. They ran on the perimeter of the woods and I could see the blur of them if I looked quickly to my side. Something about the power that radiated from the two creatures next to me sent electricity shooting through my veins.

I stopped when the black wolf slowed from running to a trot. The sandy colored wolf stopped close behind him and I pulled my bike into a clearing off to the side of the road. There was a chill in the air and the cold wind had infiltrated the jacket I wore to cover my skin in goosebumps. After a short walk, I met the two boys inside the dark woods. Both of them wore shorts and t-shirts, unaffected by the cool weather. Their cheeks were flushed, the only indication of their run through the woods.

Tucker smiled. "Took you long enough."

"Sorry," I grumbled, "Some of us only have human legs."

Ben laughed and Tucker shrugged haughtily. I rolled my eyes and let them lead me through the woods. Luckily, they both remained in their human form for our journey. The more we walked, the darker the woods got and colder.

A foreboding feeling filled my gut the further we went. The trees turned spidery and the crunch of twigs under my feet were the only sounds echoed throughout the forest. Supernatural power surged through the trees like wind, it was like a crackle of electricity that filled the air and caressed my skin. I wondered if Ben and Tucker could feel it too- the power.

With power, there was something else. Something dark. Death.

"We're almost there," Tucker breathed.

After one look at his face, I could tell that he felt it too. His fists were clenched and his eyes darted quickly around our surroundings. He didn't seem to notice when he shifted closer to me, our hands almost brushing. I only noticed because of the warmth that radiated off of him.

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