Chapter 41

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"I still think that's kind of a dumb reason to break it off

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"I still think that's kind of a dumb reason to break it off." 

I groaned. "There's nothing to break off, right? We weren't dating we just-"

"Had some bizarre supernatural connection that made both of you think the sun set on the other person's shoulders while simultaneously thinking you would both be the cause of the other person's untimely mortal doom?"

"Ben, what the fuck?"

I laughed, despite myself, and watched my best friend shrug nonchalantly as if he hadn't burst into a dramatic monologue.

"What?" he asked, smiling. "I'm trying to be those types of best friends that finish each other's..."

He trailed off, waiting for me to finish. I pretended to think.

"Homework? Because I could really use that best friend right now."

My best friend laughed, shoving me playfully in the shoulder. In this moment, nothing outside of my bedroom door mattered. Joking with Ben felt like another life, another me. A me that didn't have to worry about any of the things in the supernatural world. A me that couldn't sense the darkness that loomed just above my best friend.

I could still feel it, but it was just far enough away that I could enjoy this moment with Ben, untainted.

Of course, he had to ruin it.

"He's training, you know?"

I didn't have to ask him who, and I didn't have to ask him why.

"I know."

Tucker had been training every day with Jacob and Megan, working to become as strong and as fast as Owein. The date of the challenge was quickly approaching and suddenly I was reminding myself to breathe again.

"I thought," Ben pressed on gently, "that going into this he didn't really care if he won or lost only that he took Owein down."

I nodded. I'd thought the same thing.

"But now, I think he wants to win. I think Tantalus is sick of reaching for the fruit. He's going to burn the whole damn tree down."

Ben and I were both silent for a moment, laying side by side and looking up at the ceiling. Both of us let the words sink in before either of us even thought about speaking. However, neither of us got the chance. Instead, a lot of things happened all at once.

First, there was a sound like a throat clearing from the doorway.

Second, Ben was on his feet faster than I thought possible. I was quickly behind him.

Third, Ben rushed the figure who darkened my doorway.

Fourth, the figure had ducked the attack and kicked Ben's legs out from under him so he was sprawled on the ground, vulnerable.

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