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OUT ON THE BAYOU Hayley sits at the table, looking out at the water while drinking her coffee, waiting for her brother to come back with wood. Leaves rustle just behind her and she turns around defensively, seeing Cora walk out of the trees and stops just a bit of ways.

"Hey, what're you doing here?" Hayley softens up and sets down her cup.

"I came here for you guys. Specifically Jason," Cora plays with her fingers and bites her lip nervously. "Do you know where he is? I need to talk to him."

Before Hayley can answer, the alpha appears from out of the woods, carrying fire wood and an ax in his hands. When he sees his wife, his face immediately goes cold, and Cora hesitates awkwardly for a moment before she greets him.

"I know you needed space, Jase... But I kind of eventually thought you would come home," Cora explains and rubs her hands together. "Since the apartment is yours."

"Right. To the apartment Elijah compelled somebody to rent us, and the bedroom that looks in on Klaus's bedroom," Jason bitterly states and Cora looks away in shame.

"Do you love him?" Jason asks. "Klaus?"

"Jason," Cora doesn't meet his eyes and he gets angry.

"Just tell me the truth for once. It's the least you can do as a wife," Jason sets down his axe. Cora gets slightly bitter that he would say something like that, but she knows he's right. She hasn't been the greatest wife and he has every right to be angry.

"You knew... You knew when you married me," Cora steps towards him and Jason's face becomes even more upset.

"It's been a year. I have tried to stand by you. I have fought for you. I have loved you and your daughters. And do you know what the worst part is? Coming out of those woods just now, seeing you sitting there... I'll be damned if it wasn't the best thing I had ever seen," Jason breathes out and looks at his feet. "Even when I'm pissed as hell, I would rather be near you than anywhere else."

Cora becomes torn between being touched by his words and feeling guilty about how much pain she's caused him.

"Now, what kind of fool does that make me?" Jason mutters.

She steps closer to him and cups his face in her hands, making him look at her. Jason tries his best to avoid her eyes, but he fails miserably.

"Jason, I am so sorry for everything I've done. From cursing you, to not being there by your side, to being with someone else," Cora struggles to get out and Jason sighs sadly. "I truly am sorry for everything, and I want to make it up to you. Let me make it up to you by being the best wife I can be."

"It's our first Christmas together. I've never had a happy one," Cora moves her hands down and takes his. "I just want a quiet night with you and the girls. Be with you for once and make up for everything. And I if their house is on fire—for one night, I will let it burn. Just please, please come home."

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