Chapter 4

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Let the fun begin


Well I Xavier Keller.......

Recap over

Kat Pov

Well I Xavier Keller... He started but I cut him off " please don't reject me again I couldn't take it" "baby it has to be done" "fine go ahead but after that I am gone" "I,Xavier Keller accept you Kat Adams as my mate and future Luna if the pack" when he finished I had tears in my eyes and I am sure my eyes were rainbow. "Hey baby why are you crying?" "You accepted me thank you" "why wouldn't I accept you" "my second chance rejected me" "that little sh-" "cantaloupe!" "Why did you did you do that?" I don't like cussing" I shrugged. I then realized I was still I his arms and your faces were so close that I could smell his minty breath. "Hey guys and I tell me plz" "yes his wolf is so nice" Heaven replied. "Hey babe" "yes Kitten" I have something to show you is your room sound proof" "no" "ahh cheese sticks" "we can do that" they all replied "thanks you guys are the best" "let's go I can soundproof it" "how you are just and ordinary wolf" "yes" "then what do u mean" "I mean this" before he could reply I cut him off with a kiss his wrapped his arms around my waist and I pulled mine around my neck.

He broke off and said"let's go" "I want to ride in style" "ok how" I though go a little kitten since I can shift into anyone or thing I want. "Kat where did you go?" Silently I climbed put his leg and onto his should and meowed in his ear. "Did you shift into a cat" I nodded me little ahead and licked him. "Well to the room I guess. He started walking up the stairs until he reached a door the said Alpha in big bold lettering. He opened the door and jumped off him shoulder into the air and landed on the bed. "Come here kitten and show me what you meant" I didn't nod I just shifted into Crystal. "Your beautiful!" I let out a little bark into thanx. Then next was Stephanie who was dressed the same as last time. "Cool a ghost" "my name is Stephanie" my voice sounded so hollow and empty with a little bit of echo to it. Then was Blaze she was wearing a skin tight black and red dress with her hair down and flowing. "My mate is so awesome" "aww thanx!!" Blaze replied for me. Heaven was next and she was radiant a white lace high-low dress and her hair in a elegant bun with two curl on the side of my face. "Hey did god lose and angel?" "Yes,yes he did and I'm all yours"

"Two more left" Eternity made her appearance next she was really a hot pink person her hot pink hair was lose and she was in a hot pink high-low dress. "OMG" "calm down you sound like a girl babe" "come here I want to feel your hot pink wings" I walked over to him and he slowly reached out and touched me wings. "So beautiful" he murmured "can you run a bath?" "Yes" I shifted into human form with a mint blue bikini in and my hair down my glasses were still in thank god I love them. "Ready in here" "ok" I waked into the bathroom and saw he was sitting on the edge looking at me. "Here goes nothing" I whispered I waked over to the tub and got in within a few moments my mint blue tail was here and so was Lexi I let her have full control. "Your are amazing in all your form" "wait until you see Bella."

"Sweet I can't wait" "help me out" he lifted me out f the water and set me on the bed. Without waiting to change back into human u shifted into Bella. She was in a black with roses belly crop top that showed my belly button ring that was now changed to a black rose. Her cloak was on her jeans were black ripped skinny jeans with black high tops. "Bella??" "Yes Xavier" "come her I want to see under your cloak" "have to catch me first" "game on" I used my super speed and masked my scent I ran down the stairs and out side. "Which way did she go I can't smell her" "outside" someone replied. Poop teleported to the roof and watched him. "Bella I will find you!!" "Never" she called out. He whipped his head around looking for me. He never found me. "Hey change into Justin Bieber and use your voice manipulation to sound like him to" Blaze said "cool" I thought about being Justin and sounding like him. When I was done I looked at myself with a mirror I summoned. I tried my voice in a whisper "hey hot stuff" let's do this I teleported to a limo rental and rented one I made sure it was a werewolves but of course I smelled human. "Hey can you take me to Xavier Keller's house" "of course why might I ask" " I am his long lost cousin" "sure thing Mr. Bieber.

When I arrived let's say the house was a mess and I called out in my voice to trick him "honey you never found me" he came running down and saw me as justin standing there "who the crap are you" "you really don't recognize your own cousin?" "I repeat you are you" "Justin Bieber" "I don't believe you". "Well you should I know where Kat is well bye then" I started towards the door and he called out "wait please tell me where she is I have lost my mind with out her" "I will after you show me a room so I can rest and shower and after that I will tell you". "Fine" he showed me to a huge room with blue walls "thanks man" "no probs" after he left I shower in as myself and when I was done I turned into him again and walked to Xavier's office. I knocked "come in" he yelled "now tell me where is she" "right in front of you" "what the crap are you talking about" "this" I changed into myself with black yoga pants and a mint blue tank my big nerd glasses on my curly hair was down my eyes were rainbow.

"What just happened?" "You have been pranked babe" "we are going to have a ceremony in honor of you our Luna" "When?" "Tonight" "tonight is not good" "why" "I have another shift" "which one" "witch". "Tomorrow then" "ok" I yawned "tired?" "Very but first another prank" "on who" "the Beta btw what is name" "Luke" "get ready to record this" "I will shift into a kitten and he will take me in and set my in the end when he turns his back and I will shift into a leopard and scare him!!" "This will be good" "I am going to shift now take me too his door and leave me outside make sure he is in there then put me outside the door I will scratch and he will let me in". I shifted in a pure white kitten and Xavier picked me up and made sure he was in there and he was so he set me down and started recording. I scratched and meowed until he opened the door. "Awe did somebody leave you out here baby" I replied with a meow he picked me up and set me on the bed "I am going to get you some milk stay here" meow I said. "Awwww". He left and I shifted into. Snow leaped with glowing eyes "I am back kitty" Xavier was still recording so when he turned and saw me he dropped the bowl of milk and it fell to the floor and shattered. "P-p-please don't hurt me kitty" I stalked towards him licking my my lips "nice kitty nice kitty" I winked at the camera and pounced in Luke. "HELP ME SOMEBODY HELP!!!!!!" "I am here Xavier said still holding the camera "get kitty off me" he tried to walk over to me but I hissed at him I looked down at Luke and saw he was shaking I bent down and barred my teeth "please spare me" instead if biting him I licked his face.

"No no stop that tickles!" I shifted into a kitten again and Xavier pick me up trying not to laugh. "Luke??" "It tickles" "what do you mean?" He stopped laughing and looked around and saw me with Xavier. "I am so damn confused" "me to night man" "night". Xavier took us to his room where I shifted back with yoga pants and a sports bra on for my shift. "That was hilarious!!!" Xavier choked out before laughing. "It's time Kat" Heaven said. "It's time Xavier" "Time for what" "my shift" "oh right let's go" and off we went.

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