Chapter 16

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What Lauren Evermoor looks like.

4 months later

Xavier's POV

Its been 4 months since Kat has been kidnapped and everybody is going crazy especially me and Caleb. He is a grumpy pain in my butt "love you to" he muttered I laughed and went back to my office. We left Ace's pack house a month ago I have all the people I can looking for her but no sign. I am missing her I have her scent on a shirt that I smell.

Kat's POV

We have been here for four months and me and my little sister are closer then ever. You would have never guessed we have been apart our whole lives. But I truly miss Xavier I. Is his smile and his voice and smell.



I cower in the corner with Ameriyae. I heard two foot falls echo off the walls. "I'll get then out you get the rest" a soft but strong voice said. The second pair went sound opening the other cells but one a girl about 5'5 came up to our cell and opened it. Her hair was blonde with black highlight and her stormy blue eyes held you. "Melissa hurry up" she shouted. Then the other girl Melissa whom was darker toned with black hair and brown eyes came in the cells with her. "Hello my name is Lauren Evermoor and this is Melissa" she said with a British accent.

"Please help us" I croaked "we are here to help" she softly said her and Melissa softly took Ameriyae from the cells. I could hear her struggles the whole way but they came back for me. They softly wrapped their arms around my waist and I winced the rouges that took us beat me. I have cuts, and scars and down my arms and legs. The slowly walked up the stairs and out to a van. "Going somewhere" a gruff voice said. I whipped around to face the man that took me " go" I whispered to them. The let me go and went to the van.

He laughed evilly and stalked forwards but he walked past me to the van. And he grabbed one of them but my eyes blurred he threw them on the floor and pulled out a gun. They slowly stood but I was faster as he pulled the trigger I took the bullet and fell to the floor. The person killed him quickly all three of them hovered over my. I held a hand to my right side "Oh god Kat" Ameriyae cried "thank you for saving" Melissa or Ameriyae said but my eyes slid shut. The last thing I heard was a scream and pleas for me to come back.

I smiled and felt myself slowly fade from the world.

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