Chapter 10

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Kat's POV

I woke up with Xavier gone. I got up and filled the bath with water and stripped. I got in and waited for my tail to appear and when it did I was stunned. I never got over and of my peeps beauty her mint blue tail with gems sparkled in the light. Her mint blue hair was parted on either side of me a seashell head band wrapped all the way around my head. "Babe?" Xavier called out in the room"in here" I yelled he opened the door and slipped in "hey we are about ready to go I need my nerdy little Luna" "hardy har har" I laughed. I used my heat and dried off I am in leather leggings, a Paris sweater,nerd glasses, gold lip ring, silver nose ring, red lips, 6" black heels. "Ok let's go" I grabbed his hand and teleported us to the living room where everybody was.

"Who's coming?" "Luke, Gavin( pack warrior), Jason(third), Jackson and Derek (pack warriors) and you and me" I nodded. "I am driving a motorcycle" I announced and walked out to the garage I found what I was looking for a mint blue Harley with my name in cursive on either side the bike. I out my helmet and got on her I kick started her and she roared to life. Xavier came out with the other and the into a truck. He came and out his hand on top of of mine "be careful and show Em' what you got". I nodded and he went to the truck and hopped into the bed I peeled out of the garage and sped down the driveway.

The scenery became familiar I sped up and and became a blur on the road I slowed down and stopped in the middle of the road "keep going and take the next right and I will make my entrance" I told Luke and he nodded and they took off down the road I took off after them smirked watch out Dark Moon pack

Ace's POV

Alpha Xavier's pack pulled and one of the boys jumped out of the trucks bed he screamed power "Hello Alpha Ace" he said cooly what did I do to him? "greeting Alpha Xavier this is my beta Chris and my mate will be here soon" "This is my beta Luke, Gavin, Jackson, Derek are all packs warriors and my luna is coming about now." Then a motorcycle pulled the rider did a pop wheel and the rider pulled up next to the truck and did a hand stand in the handle bars. Then she/he did a back flip and 360 degree twisted in the air and landed in his or her feet. Then she or he removed her helmet revealing blonde hair and mint blue tips. Her eyes shone emerald green her ran a hair though her hair and she put on some nerd glasses. She walked over to and stood in front of him and he wrapped his arms around her bringing her to his chest.

And then my mate walked over me and and I wrapped my arms around her. "This is my mate Brittany Springs" she waved and blushed. "And this is my mate Kat Adams" she smirked "k-k-Kat?" I stuttered "umm" she mummed "is that you?" I asked hopefully. "No it's the Easter bunny" her pack members laughed their heads off "now can you shows us our room" she demanded "we need 5 rooms" she said "Chris show them their rooms" I commanded.

Kat's POV

Chris showed us our rooms mine Xavier's was a master with a queen four post bed with back sheets. I went to the bed and laid down. "Can you show me Talia now!" Xavier whined "closed the door" I order and cast a spell so the door is sound proof. I shifted into Talia her hunters uniform was all black and she had a mask over her mouth and she eyes were the the thing visible. She had two wolfsbane sword down her back, two silver knifes in her boots, two hand guns on her belt. Her outfit was like and assassins and she had black flat boots. "Xavier" her soft voice cooed "Talia?" He asked she nodded he slowly walked up and lift his hand to cup her cheek she leaned into his touch "ROUGES ATTACKING!!!" Someone yelled "Xavier get everyone to safety I'll fight them off" he nodded and left.

Talia's POV

I smashed the window and jumped landing in my feet not making a sound. A caught a whiff of a garbage smell I follows it to a line of rouges. "Silent and deadly" the leader whispered everybody broke out in whispers "Iiiiii'mmmmm bbbbbbaaaaacccckkk" I sang eerily. One was dumb enough to take a step forward I swiftly pulled my mini hand gun and shot him in the chest. The barrel smoked I spun the gun on my finger and a blew out the smoke. "ATTACK!" The leader screamed they all charge. I ran full speed I put my gun back and pulled out both of my wolfsbane swords.

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