Chapter 6

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Dedications: sWaGGe_ 300_, laurengrace11

Kat's POV

I woke up with Xavier's arm wrapped around my waist and I REALLY had to pee I tried to get out but I couldn't. I shook him and he groaned I did the only thing I could be I slapped him. He shot up looking furious I took a chance and ran to the bathroom. When I was done a washed my hands I out my hands under the water.


I fell to the floor with a tail. Hehe oops. Xavier broke the door down looking for the danger when he found me on the floor he busted up laughing I used my heat powers and dried myself off I stormed I to the room and snapped my fingers. Changing me into denim ripped skinny jeans a mint blue crop top showing my dangling red rose belly piercing. Brown knee length heeled boots in my feet I pierced my eyes brow with neon blue with a pointed tip. My nails were painted black obviously my mood my curly hair was down I looked HOT even if I do say so myself.

Xavier came in the room trying to sober up but failed but when he saw my outfit he shut up. "You look good babe" "thanks" I said still annoyed with him. "Aww come in don't be like that" "I have every right" I said exasperated. I left the room in a huff I raced down the stairs and into the kitchen. I decided to make my famous homemade muffins, pancakes,waffles, French toast, coffee, and coffee cake I set everything in the counter with a note saying here I a treat love your Luna. I wanted to go in a run so I wrote a note and stuck it to Xavier's office door telling him about the run.

I almost died when all the elders, adults, teens, and kids raced to the kitchen. I chuckled to myself and went out the front door. I let Blaze out first. She was wearing black leather skinny jeans with knee high black heeled boots and for a top a tee-shirt with the back ripped showing skin. My black curly hair was down with a blood red rose head band and the same blood red roses gently tangles themselves in my hair. My wings popped out next it felt good to have them out. I did a little flap if my blood red and black wings. "Feels good to be out!" Blaze excitedly said I chucked and cut our link I crouched my knees and jumped high into the air I caught flight I was soaring high the wind whipped my hair back I felt do free. I stopped flying I was sky diving so fun I did back and front flips while falling just before I hit the ground I spread my wings and glided across the grass. I stooped and fell in the ground face first.

"Ouch" I said. I looked at my surroundings I was in the clearing where I got Galaxy the little beach looked just right for Lexi. I walked over there and folded my wings into my back. "Ready Lexi?" "Born ready babe!" She replied back enthusiastically. I chuckled and changed into my human form I stripped of my clothes except for my black and red Lacey bra and undies I ran and jumped in letting the bubbles surround me my eyes sight adjusted under the water. I looked down and saw Lexi's minty blue tail with a White Sea shell top and the jewels looked beautiful under the water a sea shell head band wrapped around my head. Her mint blue with black tip hair flowed around me I flicked my tailed I surfaced.

I laid on top of the water I glided my fingers across. "Babe?" Xavier's voice called across the clearing I dove under and swam up close to the bank where the water reached. "Yes" I answered "I am sorry about earlier forgive me?" He asked looking sincere. "Yes I just need to let everybody out it been awhile" "I understand Caleb went nuts when you left without saying goodbye" "I'm sorry I didn't mean do scare him". It was my turn to apologize "just don't do it agin" he replied before kissing my head I used my heat and dried myself into my human self but I was only in a bra and undies. Xavier's eyes darkened with lust "ooh get over it" I said as I got dressed I then grabbed him hand. "I will met you later I still have to let Stephanie, Heaven, Bella, Eternity, and Galaxy out" I explained "fine but I am staying with you don't leave I can't fly."

Nodding I shifted into Bella she looked stunning she was in leather leggings a leather crop top the showed a black dangly rose on my belly black wedges sneakers covered her feet. Her cloak was on as always and her aqua blue hair flowed back. "Why must you always wear a cloak?" Xavier questioned Bella pushed through "I must people can't recognize me" she answered. He shrugged and grabbed her hand and pulled her into his embrace she sighed "this feels nice" "I know Bells I know" "I must go now" she whispered. "Wait!!" He exclaimed she looked up and he smashed his lips to hers she responded instantly. "Good bye" she whisper and gave it to me. "Ooh me next!!!" Eternity exclaimed "be my guest" I felt her nod within me and she took control shifting into her hot pink self. This time she wore hot pink high waisted shorts and a hit pink crop that stopped just above her belly button which was pierced hot pink. Her hot pink hair and wings looked beautiful. Her hair was down and her wings were out fluttering very fast.

"Hey Xavier" Eternity asked "ummm" Xavier hummed taking in Eternity. "Come here and hold on" he came over and held her. Her sat down by the waters edge and he sat next to her and pulled her into his lap. She snuggled against his chest "we love you" Eternity said looking in his eyes "as do we" he murmured. She wrapped her arms around his neck and smashed her lips onto his. He was shocked then kissed back they stayed like that for another minute before he pulled back for air. "So beautiful" he whispered he brushed his lips against her agin and moved down her jaw. To her neck where his mark was.

His lips were on his mark he sucked on it making me shiver he smirked and pulled back. "Heaven needs to talk with you my time is up good bye mate" and Eternity was gone. Heaven took over and shifted her big white wings popped out and she was dressed in a white high-low dressed with a gold belt and white flats. Her curly hair was loose and flowing she wrapped her big white wings around them. "Xavier listen and listen close you need to watch Kat treat her with care for one day in the near future she will need you listen to her. Her heat will becoming very soon possibly next month you must mate with her keep her away from the unmated wolfs" she explained "why what will happen" he asked "I cannot say my time is up I must go" she kissed him and left.

"I wanna see Galaxy now" Xavier whined like a two year old. "Fine" I grumbled. Galaxy pushed through she wore a galaxy crop top that showed her belly button with was pierced with a galaxy belly ring and galaxy leggings. For shoes was knee high heeled boots and a moon with a galaxy stone necklace her witches hat sat in her head. A galaxy rings sat in her right ring finger. " you wanted me?" Galaxy asked "yes I need to get to know you better like I have with the others." He simply states.

They spent hours talking getting to know each other. When they were done it was dark. "Stephanie needs out" she whisper and left. Stephanie took over because I turned super pale and my hair was white and my eyes glowed silver. She wore a sliver crop top and her belly was pierces silver. Black leather leggings and sliver wedge sneakers one her bottom half. "How about we scare them?" "Who" Xavier asked warily "the pack of course". "Why?" He questioned "for fun duh" he answered.

He nodded his head and we got up and walked to the pack house. Stephanie's feet didn't make any noise when she walked Xavier had to make sure she was still there. At last they reached the pack house everybody was downstairs either in the living room or game room. We walked through the door casually everybody stopped and looked Xavier's Beta Luke asked "who's the ghost of a girl?" "Your Luna?" Xavier's answered. "Where's Kat" "I am sorry who" Xavier said confused. "Kat our luna and your mate"

Stephanie winked at Xavier. He burst out laughing "I haha don't haha know aha ha you haha are haha about" he managed to choke out. "You don't remember Kat Adams?" Luke asked "Nope" Xavier popped the "p" "let's go get you food Stephanie" then Xavier pulled me into the kitchen and I changed back to what I was wearing before I left. "I am going to cook for the pack keep them out of the kitchen" I ordered he nodded and left the kitchen.

I made homemade Mac and cheese, steaks, French fries, chicken, salsa, salad, fruit salad, and for dessert Great Wall of Chocolate Cake.

I set the table and yelled "DINNER!!!!" Everybody came running when they saw the food on the table they started drooling. "Your welcome" I said all eyes snapped to me "Kat your back!" They screamed "I never left" I smirked.

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