Chapter 9

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Kat's POV

2 years later

It's been 2 years since me and Xavier have been together we have marked and mated each other already and no we are not having kids yet. I already had my luna ceremony and the whole pack knows what I am. My restaurant has taken off everybody loves it. "Hey babe can you come here for a minute" Xavier called through the mind link I am dressed in demon ripped jeans, batman crop top, black belly ring, gold lip ring, silver nose ring, my golden locket, a batman hat, black wedge sneakers I raced down the stairs and into his office with my vamp speed. I smashed right into the door I heard a sickening crunch before I felt it my nose broke fangtastic. I ran and got a tissue for the blood and walked into his office like a normal person would.

"Hey babe ho-" his sentence cut off when he saw the tissue he suddenly became very mad "you did it, tell me who did" he roared "talk to your door" I mumbled. He must have picked it up because his gaze soften "ok well a pack has been being attacked by rouges and they need our help" "which pack" I asked warily "Dark Moon Pack" he said angrily "it's ok we can help and then come home and carry on with our lives" I said my nose stooped bleeding so I threw away the tissue and sat down in his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and I laid my head on his chest "fine but they even touch you we leave" "all good here" I sighed and snuggled into him.

He kissed my head "how 'bout we go and let all those crazy ladies out?" "Sounds like fun they are itching for some one in one time with you and Caleb" he scooped me up in his arms and ran outside. I realexed in his arms while he ran listening to is heart beat. I felt something hit my neck I reached up and pulled it out. I hunters dart shot me I turned my head and found a hunter I felt my eyes go pink (Touch me and you die) "Xaveir put me down" I said slowly and deadly he slowly set me down.

I did waste anytime shifting into Blaze but me eyes still pink. The hunter gulped Blaze wore leather leggings, black wedges, blood red crop top, dangly red rose belly ring , black leather jacket, silver lip ring. black nose ring, black studs. "You'll pay for that" she pushed through and cooed by then he was shaking. She summoned a death blow dart. She put it to her lips and blew the dart shot the man in the heart he dropped to he ground twitching. She walked over to Xavier who stood there shocked "hey babe" she cooed he snapped out of it and wrapped his arms around us and kissed our mark. "It's been great but you need Kat I'll be back" she whispered and gave me back my body.

I was in my old things but I had my big nerd glasses on oh how I love them! Pain seared through me I screamed "baby whats wrong" "it hurts I whimpered and screamed again. "It's ok" he cooed but he had pain in his eyes to. It burned too bad I thrashed but Xavier held me tighter tears leaked from the corner of my eyes and he kissed them away. He ran his finger through my hair trying to calm me but I thrashed and screamed "it hurts Xavier" I whimpered seeing black.

"No,no,no,no Kat don't your close your eyes" he picked me up and ran back to the pack house. "The black spot rapidly covered my eyes "Xavier I love you so dang much" I wheezed out I reached out my shaky hand and grabbed his giving his a light squeeze. "No Kat don't leave me I love you to so damn much" he kissed my lips and I passed out.

Xavier's POV (Suprise!!)

I kissed her and she passed out. I reached the pack house I kicked down the door and everybody looked at their Luna in my arms. "Get the doctor ASAP!" I commanded in my Alpha voice evrynody ran around looking for the Doctor. A girl came down the hall with the doctor on her heels "what's wrong-" he caught sight of Kat "hurry follow me" we both ran to the pack hostipal.

"Set her down" he montined for the bed. I ran over and set her down he hooker her up to the heart monitour "you'll need to leave Alpha" I shook my head "its for the best" "NO" I said I a stern voice "either you leave or I sedate you with a needle" oh not the needle. I left the room not before giving Kat a kiss on her forehead. I sat in the waiting room along with me Beta Luke. "What happened man?" "I was taking her to the lake so she could shift when she was hit with a hunters dart" he gasped "she pulled the dart out and told me to put her down very solwly and deadly her eyes changed to pink and she shift into Blaze" he shuddered "but her eyes were still pink she summoned a death dart and shot him in the heart saving her and me" he gasped again.

"She walked over to and shifted back to Kat but she screamed bloody murder and she couldn't stoop screaming and thrashign her last words before she passed out was 'Xavier I love you so dang much'. By then Luke had tears in his eyes "I am so sorry man but she did it for you and the pack like a Luna should" he saod softly still crying. My right beciep starting hurting a little so I lifted up my shirt and on my right biciep was a tattoo. "Luke can you tell me what this means?" I warily asked his eyes zero in on my tattoo "immortal" he whispered.

"It's the immortal sign" I whispered in shock. Just then the doctor burst through the door "good news and bad news Alpha and Beta" "continue" I commanded. "It seems that the hunter injected her with hunter DNA so now she will have another person to shift into" "was that good or bad" I asked. "bad the good news is she is a nice hunter and she own't hurt her pack but she will hurt rouges/hunter or anything that poses a threat" "did all of he others shifters accept her" I asked "yes one of them even pushed through and said quote "she is nice and we accept her so does Kat she is here to help"."

Wow I knew Kat was special but nows she is one of a kind. "Can I see her?" "yes but she is sleeping please let her rest" he bowed then left. Me and Luke got up and walked into her room she lay like I had left her we sat down in chairs on either sde of her bed and waited till her woke up.

Kat's POV


I was in the meadow where I shifted with Galaxy "Hello there" a soft kind voice said. I whirled around and came face to face with a girl in a hunters suit and swords down her back "your a hunter" I said "yes but I am YOUR hunter" "I was injected with hunters DNA?" she nodded. She had one scar down her left eye that made it blue and her other on was robin blue. "What happend to your left eye?" "I was fighting a rouge and he scratched me" I ran and hugged her. "Just so you know I am a noce hunter I protect my pack and I only fight rouges/hunters or anybody that poses a threat" "thank you for telling me" "Ok my name is Talia but hunters refer to me as Silent and Deadly"

"Ok I, Kat Admas accept Talia as my hunnter" I said "and I, Talia accept you Kat Adams as my host" we hugged one last time adn she flashed into me. I willed myself to go home.

~Dream over~

I woke up with light in my eyes I squinted and let them adjust on either side of my bed was Xavier and Luke aww they stayed! I did the only thing I could do I smacked them upside the head they both fell to the floor and jumped up they looked at me in shock." your awake!" Luke exclaimed I nodded and Xavier hugged me "babe I am immortal" he showed me his right biciep. I kissed his cheek and felt a little burning sensation go through me but it stopped. I looked all over me and didn't find anything I looked my my leg a new name was added onto my vine wih thorns Talia and Galaxy was added and like the rest the were wrapped in vines with thorns.

But something else caught my eye I didn't notice that Luke left until Xavier said "what ups" I didn't answer I pulled my shirt down a little and on my right breast was the same sign as Xavier. Looked adn saw my sign "your immortal to" I let go of my shirt and ran and hugged him he hugged back "we are all packed and ready for tomorrow btw" I sighed and snuggled into his chest "you can meet Talia tomorrow" I yawned.

Xavier carried me to bed and laid me down I snuggled into his chest and her wrapped his arms around me "I love you" he whispered in my ear "I love you too" I whispered in his and fell asleep again.

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