Episode 1

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Keep Calm and Carry On

Mary: Where am I? Who the hell are you?

Dean: I'm Dean Winchester, I'm your son.

Mary: My Dean is four years old.

Dean: I was, when you died.

Dean: Listen to me. Your name - your name is Mary Sandra Campbell, you were born December 5, 1954 to Samuel and Deanna Campbell. Your father, he bounced around a lot for work, and you bounced right along with him and you ended up in Lawrence, Kansas.

Mary: How do you know all that?

Dean: Dad told me. March 23, 1972 you walked out of a movie theater, Slaughterhouse-Five, you loved it. And you bumped into a big marine and knocked him on his ass. You were embarrassed and he laughed it off, said you could make it up to him with a cup of coffee. So you went to, uh, Maroni's, and you talked and he was cute, and he knew the words to every Zeppelin song, so when he asked you for your number you gave it to him even though you knew your dad would be pissed. That was the night that you met-

Mary: John Winchester.

Dean: August 19, 1975 you were married, in Reno, your idea. Few years later I came along, then Sammy.

Mary: Then I burned. How long have I been gone?

Dean: Thirty-three years.

Mary: How did he die?

Dean: He gave himself up. For me.

Mary: That sounds like John. And he was a hunter? And he raised you and Sam to-

Dean: Yeah, he did.

Demon: Whatever.

Jervis: Whatever? What are you, a 14-year-old girl now?

Demon: I mean, not right now. I possessed one once, but, it didn't work out. A lot of feelings and urges and ugly snot crying about how Julie's with Craig Castle now, even though he's total bae, but she's, like, a busted bitch on ice... Hormones, dude.

Sam: You can ask me any type of question you want, but the answer is gonna be the exact same. Screw you. You wanna get mad, you wanna get mean? I've been tortured by the Devil himself. You. You're just an accent in a pantsuit. What can you do to me?

Mary: Are you a hunter?

Castiel: No, I'm an angel.

Dean: He's an angel.

Mary: Come again?

Dean: Angel. With a capital 'A'. You know, wings, harp.

Castiel: No, I don't have a harp.

Mary: This was John's car. She's still beautiful.

Dean: Hell yeah, she is.

Mary: Hi sweetheart. Remember me?

Lady Bevell: You drive back roads, catching cases at random. You get word of bodies dropped, you check it out and maybe you even kill the thing that did it. But that person is still dead, and maybe a few more. But my people. We plan ahead. We study lore, and we use it against our enemies. Back home every thoroughfare, every bridge, every dock, every airport has been warded. The moment a monster steps foot in Britain, we know about it. Within twenty minutes he's been picked up, and within forty, he's dead. There hasn't been a monster-related death in Britain since 1965 because we are good at our job. Now, you were always a lost cause, Sam, but I'm hoping there are other hunters we can work with, teach. So, I need you to give me names and locations and everything else. Dead drops, meeting places, an organizational hierarchy, because maybe with all of us working together, we can do what you never could -- make America safe.

Castiel: This must be difficult for you. I remember my first moments on Earth. It's jarring.

Mary: One word for it. I grew up with hunters, I've heard of people coming back from the dead before. But to actually do it, after thirty years. A lot's changed. A lot.

Dean: Listen bitch. I don't care who you are, I don't care what you want. You have my brother.

Mary: And you said we met before, when you traveled through time.

Dean: Twice. Your memory got wiped, so.

Mary: And I saw you when I was a ghost, which I don't remember either. And God's sister brought me back to life.

Dean: Pretty much. It's a lot and I know it's a lot. And I'll explain everything, I will. But right now, let's get out of here. Let's get you home. Come on, Mom.

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