Episode 18

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The Memory Remains

Sam: I stayed up all night, going through every book we have on demons, and it turns out we have a lot of books on demons.  

Dean: So we got a, uh, goat dude with a name like a pirate, which is a little insane, even for us. And that bar is... super high. So if it is real, what the hell is it?  

Sam: Oh, don't do the hot coffee thing.

Dean: Boy this coffee is hot. Kind of like... Hi, what's your name?  

Sam: Good night?

Dean: Awesome. It was an awesome night. So awesome.  

Mr. Ketch: It's clear. Onward. Now remember your orders. By the time we leave, Dr. Hess wants to know everything about our 'friends' the Winchesters, their allies, their habits. How does Sam get his hair so shiny? How many ratty flannels does Dean own? So work quick, work quiet, and leave no trace. Oh, and apparently, Mick let Sam and Dean get their hands on the bloody Colt. Find it, huh?  

Dean: Why is it always the rich ones? I mean, what, are they, like, 'Croquet's all right. But you know what'd be great? Murder.'  

Sheriff Bishop: This is not what it looks like.

Dean: Really? 'Cause it looks like a straight up murder room to me.  

Sam: Hey. How you feelin'?

Dean: Like I just went 12 rounds with a god. So, you know... normal.  

Dean: Next time you hear me say our family is messed up, remind me that we could be psycho goat people.

Sam: Yeah, that's true enough.  

Dean: You know, I was... thinking about what Bishop said. About... What do you think our legacy's gonna be? When we're gone, I mean, after all the stuff we've done, you think folks will remember us? You know, like, a hundred years from now?

Sam: No.

Dean: Oh, that's nice.

Sam: Well, I mean... guys like us, we're not exactly the type of people they write about in history books, you know? But the people we saved, they're our legacy. And they'll remember us and then I guess... we'll eventually fade away, too. That's fine, because we left the world better than we found it, you know.  

Sam: I have some idea what we're dealing with. Look at this. It's a saytr, half man, half goat from Greek mythology.

Dean: Oh come on. This guy's adorable. He plays a freakin' flute.

Sam: Yeah, Dean. That's- that's Pan. It's his flute.

Dean: So now we're reporting to low rent Christian Bale? Seriously? I don't like that guy. He creeps me out.  

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