Episode 2

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Mamma Mia

Mary: When we do find Sam. How am I gonna face him?

Dean: What do you mean?

Mary: That yellow-eyed thing would never have come for him that night if I... I started all of this.

Dean: How'd you sleep?

Mary: I had dreams all night.

Dean: Good dreams?

Mary: Stuff I'd forgotten about. Funny stuff your Dad did. He was a great father.

Castiel: I think I may have found Sam's location. It's a farm, it appears empty. But it was rented two weeks ago to a woman with an English accent.

Dean: Did you have a look inside?

Castiel: No. No, it's powerfully warded.

Dean: Powerfully warded? Okay, see, buddy, that was your headline right there.

Castiel: ...Are we still discussing the same thing?

Dean: Why don't I take this one solo, okay? We just, we don't know what we're walking into here.

Mary: We never know. We're hunters.

Dean: You know when you died, it changed Dad. I mean he was hell-bent on finding out what happened. The hunter life, it just took him over. I guess I was the same. But, Sammy- Sammy, he was different. He wanted out. He went to school, he went to Stanford.

Mary: Sam had a chance to get out, and he came back?

Dean: When Dad disappeared, Sam and I looked around and something became very clear. The only thing we had in this world, the only thing, aside from this car, was each other.

Rowena: I can't believe I'm once again down some dank hole seeking the Devil. When does it end? It's exactly why I'm retiring to Boca Raton. With Ben.

Lady Bevell: Anything to add?

Dean: No. No, I just came by for some tea and a beating.

Mary: Get away from my boys.

Sam: Mom?

Mary: Well, we should call the internet and find out as much as we can about these people. Did I say that right?

Dean: So close.

Sam: Yeah, it was close.

Sam: If you ever wanna talk. I know what it's like to come back and not feel like you really fit.

Mary: I just have so much about you boys to catch up on. Mother stuff. You know, first tooth, first crush.

Sam: Yeah.

Mary: I just have a lot of blanks to fill in.

Sam: Right, uh... Dad's journal. His writing, his words. Helped me fill in some blanks, answer some questions I didn't know I had. And you know, it-- it-- it keeps him with us. Sort of.

Mary: Thank you.

Sam: Goodnight

Mary: Dean said you got out of hunting.

Sam: Yeah.

Mary: And yet here you are.

Sam: Well, this is my family. My family hunts, you know? It's is what we do. Mom, for me... Just, um... having you here... fills in the biggest blank.

Crowley: Lucifer. Wearing Vince Vincente, second-tier star. I would have thought Bieber was more your style.

Sam: I thought you were dead.

Dean: I'm not sure that I'm not.

Sam: So?

Dean: I'll tell you. I'll tell you everything, okay? First off, who's Angry Spice?

Lucifer: You know, I gotta say Rowena. I took one look at you and all I wanted was to snap your miserable neck again and keep it snapped this time. But I think I've decided against it.

Rowena: You won't regret it, sir. I am done with all this. I'll stay far, far away, sipping martinis with Republicans at my tennis club.

Lucifer: You're missing my point. A witch as gifted as yourself, with access to the Book of the Damned to boot, would be much more valuable as a prisoner.

Rowena: What?

Lucifer: How's that saying go? Mm. Friends close... enemies closer.

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