Episode 12

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Stuck in the Middle (With You)

Wally: Hell. Look, I was just passing through and I heard about some cattle mutilations.

Sam: Classic demon sign.

Wally: I started to dig. A lot of virgins go missing around here, too.

Dean: Classic horny demon sign.

Castiel: Mary? Where were you?

Mary: Bathroom. I get nervous sometimes.

Castiel: Urination. I understand.

Sam: Wait, Mom? Um... I just wanted to make sure that, um... you're okay. I mean, I know... you never really wanted this.

Mary: Since when is life about getting what you want?

Dean: Hey. Wow. You look like hammered crap.

Castiel: Yeah, that sounds about right.

Ramiel: Azazel was a fanatic, a true believer in Lucifer's master plan. But the rest of us? Well, the truth is, we stopped caring a long time ago. Asmodeus has his hobbies. Dagon has her toys. We're happy where we are. So if you want the crown, it's yours. Otherwise...

Sam: We took down the Darkness and the Devil.

Crowley: It took you years to defeat Lucifer, and the power of God to stop the Darkness. Maybe if you had more time, you could manage Ramiel. But right now, in this barn... Hey, I was growing fond of the choir boy, too.

Crowley: I don't have friends. I make deals with those I can use. Every kingdom needs allies, even Hell.

Ramiel: Allies. Is that what you call three humans with one good liver between them and a busted-up angel?

Crowley: I admit, they don't sound like much. But every Armageddon, every bloody 'this is the end of all things,' a Winchester stopped it. Like it or not, they're an asset we can't afford to lose.

Castiel: No, you listen to me. You -- Look, thank you. Thank you. Knowing you, it... it's been the best part of my life. And the things that... the things we've shared together, they have changed me. You're my family. I love you. I love all of you. Just please... please, don't make my last moments be spent watching you die. Just run. Save yourselves. And I will hold Ramiel off as long as I can.

Mary: Shut up. Anything like that happens again, anything, and I will burn you down. All of you.

Mr. Ketch: Is that a threat?

Mary: It's a promise.

Lucifer: Ah, I know that look. Sam and Dean have got you down. Well, I still can't believe that you're working for the Dukes of Haphazard. Do you really think they care about you? I mean think about it Crowley. They kill your kind. It's in their blood. And you know... you know... it's only a matter of time before they come for you.

Crowley: Shut your mouth, dog.

Lucifer: That's not my name.

Dean: W- what the hell is a Prince of... Hell?

Crowley: The oldest of the old demons. The first generation after Lilith. Lucifer turned them himself, before the oceans drank Atlantis.

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