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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

IT WAS A DAY OF CELEBRATION, EVEN AFTER SO MUCH DRAMA AND HEART ACHE. The group of supernaturals gathered at the Mystic Grill to celebrate Jeremy heading off to Art School, after Damon had compelled his principle to let him go. The doppelgänger was determined to try and convince the principle without the need for compulsion, but, Damon being Damon, insisted that it was the only way.

"Well done, Jer!" Riley beamed toward the youngest Gilbert sibling as she watched Damon stride toward Jeremy and place a graduation cap onto his head.

"What?" Immediately realising what this meant, Jeremy blinked in complete and utter amazement. "He was okay with it?"

"Sure." The Salvatore shrugged back at him. "I mean, basically flunking. Missed a hundred days of school, and you can barely spell the word 'cat', but sure. He was fine with you graduating early."

"Fine." Riley scoffed and then saw the young boy's eyebrows furrow. "In the beginning, he was very against it, but—"

"—We helped the process along." Elena let out a sigh and tilted her head with a sad look before she headed to the bar. "I'm gonna get a drink."

Jeremy watched his older sister walk away and immediately turned to Damon and Riley. "She okay?"

"She will be. We all will. Somehow, we'll find a way to move on without you, Jeremy." Damon paused for a moment as a smile grew on Jeremy's face. "Oh, hey. Just did." He grabbed Riley's hand and began to walk away, but then stopped and turned to face the boy once more. "Look under the cap. I jacked a little going-away present from Ric's girlfriend's stash."

Riley's eyes widened as she watched Jeremy pull the cap from his head and he smirked when she saw a small baggie with a joint inside it. "Are you kidding me? You gave him a joint?"

"Sh, you." Damon whispered in his girlfriend's ear and then he turned back to Jeremy. "Hey! Put it away, you idiot. Tell your sister, I'll kill you. Again."

"Good luck, Jeremy." Riley smiled toward the boy and then wandered over to hug him. "I really hope you get the life you deserve."

"Thank you, Riley." Jeremy pulled away from the girl once she retreated back to the Salvatore's side. "Wha— aren't you two staying for the goodbye shots?"

"Sorry, Jer. Being a valuable pillar of the community gets you a ticket out of this kinda thing." Damon smirked toward the boy. "Gotta' go and see a Sheriff, you understand, right?"

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Not to be blunt, but I think dying gets you a ticket out of work." Damon's tone was serious as he and Riley strode into her office, noticing she was sat at her desk with several files piled up beside her.

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