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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

JO AND ALARIC'S WEDDING DAY WOULD BE SOMETHING EVERYONE WOULD REMEMBER FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES— FOR ALL THE WRONG REASONS. Thanks to the dramatic return of Kai Parker, the day would surely be remembered as nothing more than a chaotic day of bloodshed and loss as the beautiful bride laid dead within the arms of her hysterical husband. Riley Evans laid unconscious on the floor of the destroyed venue whilst screams of anguish and destruction echoed around her. Damon was the first to get to his feet when he noticed that Riley was no longer beside him.

He desperately called her name but the only response he got was flickering of the damaged lights that hung above them. The Salvatore vampire had never felt fear like it as his eyes desperately scanned for a glimpse of the strawberry-blonde witch. Eventually, he caught sight of her and sped to her side.

Biting his wrist and lifting it straight up to her mouth in an attempt to heal her, he was met with nothing but confusion. "Riley! Come on, baby. Drink." He desperately cried out once he realised his vampire blood appeared ineffective. "Stefan? Stefan!"

Stefan lifted himself up to his feet, holding Caroline steady as their eyes fell to the unconscious witch in Damon's arms. "Oh, my God." A breath of horror left Caroline's lips.

"She won't wake up. I don't understand."

Damon frantically looked up toward his brother who appeared to be equally as concerned as Elena slowly got to her feet and headed toward them. "What's going on—" Her eyes widened in sudden fear when she noticed Riley. "Oh, no. No, no."

"Just get her to the hospital." Stefan ordered in a stern voice just as Damon sped off with the little witch within his arms.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Anxiety and fear was all that Damon could feel as he sat beside Riley, clutching her hand. He felt hopeless and it was the first time in his life where we where truly, truly terrified. For him, a life without Riley Evans would be a life not worth living. The doctor's couldn't seem to understand why Riley wasn't waking— there was nothing physically wrong with her.

His phone buzzed within his pocket, and a small grunt left his lips once he pulled it out. The Salvatore had been notified that not only had Tyler trigged his werewolf curse once more, Kai was a vampire.

A bash against the hospital room window caused Damon to shake himself from his thoughts. His eyes fell to Kai, who breathlessly placed his hand against the window. "What's happening to me?"

"Oh." Damon's eyes moved to a large werewolf bite that had appeared on Kai's neck. "You didn't happen to pet a fuzzy, four-legged vampire killing machine, did you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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