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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

WITH STEFAN SALVATORE'S HUMANITY WELL AND TRULY BACK ON, IT WAS NOW TIME TO WORK ON GETTING CAROLINE BACK. Stefan, Damon, Riley and Elena were gathered in the parlour of the Salvatore house in an attempt to devise a plan that would be fool-proof, especially given that Caroline could sniff out a sneak attack a mile away.

"First step— Convince her that my humanity is still off." Stefan paced in front of the group, nodding slowly as he walked. "I'll tell her that my run-in with our mother had no effect on me, and I wanna keep the party going."

Damon handed his brother a tumbler of bourbon and chuckled. "Oh, look at that. Saint Stefan has a plan. Let me guess— Whoever's holding the kitten gets to talk about their feelings?"

"If that's your plan, I don't think she'll wanna talk." Riley raised an eyebrow toward the younger Salvatore.

Stefan simply ignored the couples comments and shrugged. "Torture her until she breaks."

"Sold." Damon cheered with a devilish smirk spread across his lips.

"So, do I need to remind you three that last time Caroline thought we were trying to flip her switch? She went on a killing spree." Elena asked the group with a pointed look on her face as she remembered back to the events that led to Stefan's no-humanity stint.

The witch nodded in agreement with Elena and turned back to the vampires. "She's got a point. Caroline isn't easy to fool, even more so now she's without her humanity. If she finds out we're trying to get her back again, she'll kill all of us."

"Well, she's not gonna find out this time."

Damon moved over to his girlfriends side and draped his arm over her shoulder with a sure nod. "He'll be convincing."

"Fine. Say she believes you." Elena turned on her heels and faced the younger Salvatore, while she continued to poke holes into his plan. "How do you know she's even gonna want to see you again?"

"Oh, she'll want to see him."

Cagey, Stefan rolled his eyes. "Damon, shut up."

"I mean, it's a bit tricky for you, isn't it brother? She's gonna expect a lot."

"Wait. What are we missing here?" Riley trailed off noticing that there was a clear vibe between both Stefan and Damon. There was something they weren't being told.

The doppelgängers eyes widened immediately upon realisation. "Hang on a second. Did you and Caroline—"

"—Do it?" Damon asked with a smirk on his face once he saw complete shock in Riley's eyes. "Yup."

"Oh. This was after she flipped—" Elena tried to continue questioning the Salvatore, though she soon saw that he clearly didn't want to discuss it. "—Never mind."

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