Chapter 1

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I walked into hayfield high school with my head down and my hands clutching the straps of my packback.

my name is harry styles. i'm 16 and this is my first day at this school. I had to transfer because my parents got a new job and made us move.

what can I say? I HATE IT HERE! I want to go back to my friends and being the popular kid again. but I guess that won't happen.

anyways back to today, I walked head down not sure what to do. I was determinant to give the silnce treatment to my parents since they made me move. and so i thought If I didn't make any friends. and kept to myself they might consider going bcak home. or I could fall into the wrong crowd and see what happens.

Once my curls got too annoying I lifted my head and flicked it causing the curls to get out of my eyes, but then when I looked straight I was met with a pair of blue ones staring at me from a distance. they were so beautiful it made my breath hitch in my throat...... fucos harry. I shook my head to get the thoughts out of my mind.

I continued walking still thinking about those blue eyes that was surrownded by that beautiful face of his.. yes his, i'm openly bi.

I went to the office to get my schedule and then hidding to my first class.which happens to be music. I beamed happily in my head. but kept a straight face... music was my favorite class. i've always been told I have A beautiful voice.

I entered the class a bit late since It was on the other side of school from the ofiics, which caused the whole class to look at me, I flashed them a dimpled smile and walked over to the teacher.

"Hi,i'm harry..i'm the new kid"

"oooh hi harry i'm mrs.flicker, go take a seat at the back"

with that I turned around and walked to my seat, once I sat i lookd around the class, and saw the familiar blue eyes, I quckly looked away when he noticed me staring, I can feel his gaze on my but I just kept looking at the table, after 5 minutes zi lifted my head and saw that he was talking with thw boy next to him.

I looked at his beautiful tanned face unlike my pale one, his perfect golden-brownish hair styled messly yet perfect. unlike mine I just woke up and shook the curls and let them be, I stared at his perfect thin soft lips and how they would fit perfectly with my pulmp ones, his beautiful blue eyes that resembled the ocean.

i was snapped out of my daze with a pat on my shoulder, I turned my head to see a blonde buy with brown roots, shining blue eyes and a wide smile.

"hi mate, i'm niall' he introduced himself. I recognized his accent as irish.

'i"m harry" I replyed.

'nice to meet you harry"


with that I ended the conversation and looked away.

The One I've Waited For (Larry stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now