Chapter 8

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We're currently sitting at niall's living room watching the avengers - the girls were the ones to choose it, all the guys were impressed that they didn't choose a chick flick - and there is this new girl called sara -another sarah- she is one of niall's friends, she is funny and kinda crazy in a good way, she has a black hair that is hangs on her back, and her skin is tanned with brown eyes. i actually like her and i've only known her for like 2 hours or something.

"The movie was...PERFECT!" Sarah said out of excitement I think. I don't know man she is really weird.

"I know right it was awesome, nice choice girls" Niall piped in.

"Okay. now what?" I asked

"what what?" louis asked.

"what are we gonna do now?" I repeated more clearly so they will understand..stupids.

they all looked like they're thinking until niall raised his eyebrows and grinned widely "I know, we can crash my dad's alcohol stash and play truth or dare shots"

"what's truth or dare shots?" Noura sked.

Niall rolled his eyes dramaticaly "it's truth and dare but with alcohol, like if you are asked or dared and you didn't answer or do it then you'll have to drink" he smirked

"okay, i'm in. guys?" Noura said

we all nodded in agreement and niall went down stairs in the basement to get some alcohol.

"and her we go"  he winked

"okay, how about we make teams? you know like pare up so no one would get really drunk or something" I suggested. and they all mumbled a quick okay,yeah,why not.

"great so um who's gonna be with who?"

"I don't know about you guys but i'm definitely with sarah" zayn said while wrapping his hand around sarah's waist and making her blush.

"and i'm with noura" Liam said aand smiled fondly at her.

"i'm with sara" niall said qickly.

"So i guess i'm with lou, heya partner" I grinned too...cause awesome i''m with louis on a team, what could be better?

we all sat around in a circle and played the game, there were a few people that had to drink - Sarah not included cause she is 14 and zayn won't let her drink even though she told him that it's okay if she did but he just shot her a Stern look and she huffed - and we all got bored so we finished it off after noura having to say what she likes about liam, and well niall admitting his feelings to sara, which became friends with sarah just because they share the same name, girls. and l0ouis saying that he has a crush, I gotta admit I felt jealous cause I wanted to be his crush since he is mine, but well what can we do. and Zayn being dared to run down the street in his boxers yelling "i'm a pretty ballerina"  whoch he did and we all laughed. and I caught sarah checking him out, I mean who wouldn't that boy is a hot god, it's not like I have my eyes on him or anything, I have louis and besides sarah already called dips. 

"Put some music on and let's dance" Sarah said out of the blus. they all agreed so we put some music on the speakers and everyone started dancing and drinking. soon anaconda came on and sarah groaned apperntly she doesn't like the song unlike noura who started singing along and dancing as if she was the only one in  the room.


(sarah's POV) BAM!

by the end of the night everyone was pretty much drunk, except for me and zayn since i'm only 14 and zayn won't let me drink, even though I told him it's fine I can handle a drink or too, but he just ignored me and continued watching me so I won't drink, and that's the reason why he didn't drink too cause he wanted to make sure I won't have's cute that he cares but I hate being bossed around. it just pisses me off. Like helloooo I don't need you help I can handle my owwnnn seellffff like stay away from me business... don't tell me what to do you ain't living my life. 

anyways after a while off them being pissed drunk noura started becoming a stripper...and well liam had to pull her down the table cause he is jealous, I just laughed at her pouty face

"what's funny?" zayn asked from beside me. I felt my heart skips a beat from his sound. that was so angelic and well...perfect

"Noura's face when liam pulled her off that table." I answered him

"ooh" he was quiet for a minute "um, sarah can I ask you something?" said too low that I barely heard him.

I shrugged "yeah sure, go ahead"

"Would you go out with me, like on a date, and we'll i've liked you ever since the kiss in my place and I felt those things in my stomach that people call butterflies. anyways and then I've became to know you, and you're funny, and definitly not like most girls that talks about make up and nails and clothes all the time, and like you don't wear make up which is really perfect cause you're really pretty and you don't need no make up tp cover up -wow it rhyms- anyways and well when ever i'm around you I just feel happy and nervous cause i'm afraid that i'll do the wrong thing and you won't like me, and like whenever we touch I just feel tangles in my whole body if that's possible but with you it seems like it is. and well, you make me laugh and smile a lot, you're perfect I mean which girl would choose the avengers over the notebook and would love superheroes, and like I like your style how you just wear a normal shirt and skinny jeans and some converce it's simply adorable and how you'd let your hair in it curls that are perfect or you would sometimes do it straight and you'll look pretty. And you are never the type that tries to impress a guy you just be yourself and believe me it is perfect. you are perfect" 

I looked at him in awe and my heart started to race cause no guy has ever said anything like that to me. I was mostly called cute. and others would just call me ugly, or anything like it. I didn't care about them tho cause why should I? they are just people that I don't give two shits about and I sure as hell ain't got time to impress them I accept the way I look cause well, it's the way I look and I will look like this for as long as I live. and plus there is no real scale for beauty I mean it's all about point of views, like I would see a person hot, another person might see them ok, and another person might see them ugly. it's all just about the way a person looks at you. I didn't even realize that I was too captured in my thoughts that I didn't even give zayn a reply.

"it's okay if you don't want to, it's your choice after all" zayn said quickly snapping me out of my thoughts

"huh? yes i'd love to go out on a date with you zayn" I said truthfully.

he grinned so wide I thought his face might split in two, and he leaned in to press a soft peck to my lips saying "great" 

after that we all decided that we'd sleep at niall's house cause they can't go home drunk like this and well niall's dad and brother are out of town. so we had the whole place to ourselves.

The sleeping arrengments were : me+Zayn. Niall+Sara. Liam+Noura. and Harry+Louis. cause niall didn't have enough sleeping bags for all of us to sleep in so we had to share...and well it is a great idea I mean not everyday will I be able to sleep next to the guy I have a crush on.

"good night, babe" zayn said to my hair since he was holding me with both hands and my back pressed to his chest.

"night" with that I drifted off into a peaceful slumber with thoughts filled of zayn and his perfect self.

dun ddduuunnnn an update.

god i'm so tired school was too much today uggh! 

anyways enjoy!


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