Chapter 16

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As it turned out 4 new Aussies joined our school, and they are all so damn hot, If I didn't have Louis I would've totally gone for one of them..I mean damn! okay Harry chill they are just guys like you,,Ugh spending a lot of time with Noura and Sarah is really affecting me....

speaking out of the two we're currently sitting in my living room them making me watch youtube videos about their favorite bands..And can't they get it just because i'm gay doesn't mean i'll be fangirling with them?...They are so stereotyping me....


"Fine" they huffed in unison. They really need to stop doing that it really is starting to creep me..

"now, how about watching a movie?" they nodded in agreement "Okay, Sarah go the kitchen and grab us some snacks. Noura let's choose a movie"

"NO" Noura cried out I looked at her weirdly "YOU D UNDERSTAND THE RISK OF LETTING SARAH ALONE AT YOUR KITCHEN? SHE IS GONNA DEVOUR ALL THE FOOD IN THERE SHE WON'T EVEN LEAVE CRUMBLES"  I laughed so hard I almost pissed my trousers.

"I'm sure she won't do that" I said after finally calming down and Sarah looked kinda hurt ?I don't  even know.

"Oh, she would, she once did when she came over to sleepover at my house, I was so tired to go downstairs with her and I slept and when I woke up the next morning. Boom my house literally has nothing left, she even ate my baby brother's food"  she informed I shook my head in disbelief and looked over at Sarah and she just nodded at me  while smiling proudly..Okay wow.

"uhm, i'll bring the food, Noura Sarah choose the movie" I mumbled. and walked to the kitchen.

When I came out they chose Thor, So I just turned off the lights and grabbed three blankets and sat down at the couch with them on both side of me with the food on the coffee table.

Somehow during the movie the both of them ended snuggled against me with my arms draped over the both of them almost protectively, and they both look so adorable especially since they are both wearing my clothes because they both came in skinny jeans and started complaining after an hour, so I gave them my clothes which are really huge on them.  

After the end of the movie we all stretched and Sarah yawned "Tired?" I asked her she just nodded while rubbing her eyes and mumbling something I couldn't understand.

"I'd better go before I fall asleep" Noura said standing up and then helping Sarah up. I just hugged the both of them "Text me when you get home" I told them they agreed and then left to get home.

I went upstairs and changed then laid down on my bed while scrolling through my phone. I decided to go on twitter since it's my fav app. Oh mentions from my old classmates saying how much they miss me and want me back, i just scoffed cause ya'll were fake bitches only like me for my popularity. And then what finally got my attention was a DM from Caroline..Wow she hasn't been bugging me for days and I thought she was gone. But guess not...

from @Caroline_KF

Harry...I need to tell you something important.

I replied to her.

from @Harry_Styles

what? if it's you wanting to date me again. NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!


from @CAroline_KF

Harry, when you were away stuff happened and I discovered something one week after we broke up... I tried contacting you but you wouldn't let me.

So I just gave up. And then you left town so there was no way of you finding out. That's actually the main reason why we left town.

Harry...You're the father of a beautiful little boy called Austin.


I just stared at that mouth wide open and my heart is beating so fast I can't even breathe. WTF I HAVE A KID? NO NO NO!!!! i'm only fucking 16!!! I can't have a freaking kid?! How the hell! we used protection I SWEAR!!!!!! This must be some sick joke she is playing at!

from @Harry_Styles.

You're kidding! this is just one of your sick jokes.

from @Caroline_KF

i'm not Harry, I wish I was. But i'm not. I even did tests to see if you are the father or not, and it turned out that you're the dad.


from @Harry_styles

I gotta go. Bye.

I shut my phone off completely and started sobbing. I can't be a dad! for Christ sake's I can't afford it! i'm not ready for a kid. My mum would be so disappointed. Her only son went on and became a dad. What would my dad say? oh wow.. Louis would want to break up with me. He is 18 he doesn't need this shit in his life. He won't want any part of this.

Fuck my whole world is crushing down. Just when I finally became happy. This happens? I don't even know anymore.

Why must life be so hard?

I just kept sobbing until my parents came home and came rushing upstairs towards me as soon as they entered mum held me in her hands and I cried even harder. She won't be holding me anymore after I tell her the news.

"Shh Harry, Baby, what's wrong?" Mum asked.

"I fucked up so badly mummy" I said and didn't even care that I actually cussed in front of my parents.

"What happened baby?" She said in such a gentle tone.

"You know Caroline?" I asked them and they both nodded while dad started rubbing my back "She has a son....It's m-mine" I then grabbed my pillow and hid my face too scared to look at their faces knowing they'd be disappointed. God i'm such a fuck up!

After few minutes of silence I finally looked up and they were both staring at me with disappointment and shaking their head mum had tears rolling down her cheeks.

"where did we do wrong with you Harold?first you turn out gay and we accept you, and now this?" Dad said and then left the room. I started sobbing even harder.

"I need time to process this" Mum said and then left the room without such as a second glance.

I never felt like this before I just cried and cried until I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning feeling exhausted and just plain tired and depressed so I just laid in bed and didn't even go to school.

I basically did nothing all day except being locked up in my room and crying silently.

Life is unfair....

(A/N) BAM! who saw this coming? NO ONE! not even me......

But yeah I like drama so FUCK YEAH!!!!

Goodnight fluffy fluff... IDK.

I shouldn't be allowed to write while on my period.....

I'm hungry. BYE.


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