Chapter 14

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I woke up the next morning for school feeling so happy about yesterday, I still can't believe I went on a date with Louis Tomlinson..But yeah I did so suck it up.

So I got out of bed after much struggle, and looked back at my bed..Its just seemed so warm and fuzzy and cuddly and it gives me warm blankets hugs..*pouts*

I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower which I may or may not sang shakira in.. And then brushed my teeth and took care of a little business..

I got dressed in black skinny jeans, a white v-neck t-shirt and a maroon beanie cause my hair was just a no no. I put on my boots and went downstairs to grab a banana for breakfast, said goodmorning to my mum (I started talking to her recently) and left home to go to hell. Oh sorry I meant school.

When arrived there some students were on the field chatting aimlessly and some were doing their school works.. and then there is me eating a banana. I'm so freaking normal. I swear.

I got my headphones in my ears listening to 5sos and the volume was so high that I didn't notice someone approaching me, and then wrapping their arms around my torso. So yeah I jumped fucking 500fts in the air.

"Hey babe" Louis chuckled.

"fuck Louis you scared the living shit out of me" I breathed out while clutching my chest trying to calm down my heart beating but Louis' arms around me aren't helping.

"sorry about that"

I turned around in his arms so I was facing him well almost facing him considering the fact i'm taller than him "it's alright boo. so how are you?" I changed the subject.

"i'm really good, you?" he replied.

"Super good" I grinned like a fool. he smiled at me and then leaned in and pecked my lips which causes my smile to fall and a blush to replace it. he then laced our fingers together and we walked inside talking about everything we could think of.

"HARRIET" Noura, and Sarah shouted I groaned at the stupid nickname they decided to give me. I'm seriously questioning why am I even friends with them.

"wassup losers?" I smirked. They both smacked me at the arm at the same time. How do they even do everything at the same time?

"Just so you would know we're a lot cooler than you, Or should I remind you of that picture of you dressed in your sister's pink fluffy dress with make up on?" I quickly put my hand on Sarah's mouth..But too late cause Louis is already laughing. I removed my hand and wiped it on my jeans cause the piece of shit licked it.

"Oh Hi Louis didn't see you there" Noura grinned and then gave me a quick wink and turned and walked away....What happened ?

"Oh shit, sorry Harry I swear I didn't even see him standing there" Sarah quickly apologized "WHY DO I KEEP MAKING A FOOL OUT OF MYSELF?" then she whined.

"Because you're a fool" I stated the obvious. she glared at me and flicked me off then she walked away.. Rude! and I was gonna ask her about her date.

"They're mean" I said to the still chuckling Louis.

"They're adorable actually, it's funny seeing you being sassed by two small grils" and then he laughed again, I just huffed and opened my locker to grab my books, then kissed Louis' cheek quickly and went to class. HELP!


Lunch came around which i'm thankful for, now i'm sitting with the squad. *Insert a really cool face here*, Sarah and zayn are wrapped up in each others arms, Niall and Sara are having a food competition... and Liam and Noura aren't even sitting next to each other.. Weird... and me and Louis well, we're having a small food fight not a big one like last time cause i don't feel like getting detention again. And eleanor and Perri were sitting with us today.

"So Sarah,Zayn. how was your date?" Louis asked the pair.

"zaynie here, took me to an arcade/restaurant thingy and we had dinner then played the games, and I kicked his ass" sarah smirked.

"I let you win cause I didn't want to crush your dreams in such an early age" Zayn huffed.

"Yeah, sure keep telling yourself that pretty boy" sarah rolled her eyes.

"Did you just call me pretty boy?" Zayn wiggled his eyebrows. Sarah blush and looked down mumbling a quiet 'no'

"Aw, you guys are so cute!!!" I exclaimed a little bit too loudly. Ugh my gayness really is showing... the whole table laughed and then carried on chatting and doing random weird things.. And Sara had a freaking orange and was throwing it at people.. The hell did she bring it from?..

"Hi Louis" A guy who looked in his early 20's came and slung his arms around Louis' shoulders. why is here? he is sure as hell not a student...

"What are you doing here?" Louis asked the boy.

"didn't you hear? i'm the new English teacher" the boy exclaimed.

"Wait. What?"

"yeah dad got me an interview and well. here I am" The still nameless boy grinned.

"ooh" Was all that Louis said.

"Aren't you going to introduce me?" the boy asked.

"Guys, this is my half brother Cole. Cole, this is Harry,Sarah,Noura,Sara,Perri." Louis said while pointing at each of us "and you already know Zayn,Liam,Nial and Eleanor" he finished.

"Oh nice to meet you guys, but I gotta go. See you all tomorrow" he waved goodbye and walked away.

"well, this is awkward" Louis mumbled. and the bell rang.

(A/N) short chapter. But yeah... i'm hungry. Bye.
Picture of Louis' brother at the side----


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