Chapter 11

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"Sarah, Noura" I shouted as soon as I entered the school and saw my two friends standing next to Sarah's locker which wasn't far from mine. Their head turned to me as soon as they heard me shout their names and they raised an eyebrow at me.

"Guess what?" I asked as soon as I was close.

"what?" they said in unison.

"Louis likes me!!!!" I practically shouted and probably people heard but eh I don't really care.

"Oh my god!!!! you're not kidding right?" Sarah gasped.

"I'm so happy for you" then Noura hugged me.

so I told them everything about yesterday and how I texted him and that we talked for hours and then I finally told him that I liked him and how he said he liked me back. and yes I was fangirling from the inside out. But I didn't care! it's not everyday that your crush actually likes you back!

"So Sarah, how did it went with Zayn?" I asked feeling a bit guilty sense it's kinda my fault.

"It was great, I apologized and he apologized back for overreacting, and then we spent the-" she was cut off by the bell ringing."- night watching the stars and just talking. anyways gotta go to class see ya later"

with that she walked a way and I said bye to Noura and headed to my own class.

Music was weird... Caroline kept glancing at me and sending me weird looks like i'm some kind of a prey it sent chills down my spine. and then I would look to Louis and he would just smile,blush and look down which I find so ADORABLE!!!!! to much fangirl Harry. shit right keep it together dude.

Suddenly Niall nudged me in the ribs breaking me from my trance "what's going on, why is Louis blushing?" He asked me. I just blushed even harder and looked back the teacher but wasn't really paying attention to what she was saying instead imagining monkeys..don't even ask me why I have no idea myself.

And again Niall broke me from my trance with hitting me on my arm,quiet hard may I add. "Ow, what'cha do that for?" I glared at him.

He rolled his eyes "so,what do you think?"

"what do I think about what?"

"where you even listening?" he accused

"" I scratched the back of my neck.

"idiot... anyways the teacher wants us to do a project, something about a band, anyways we do it every year, and every year it's been me,Louis,Liam, and Zayn in a group, so do you wanna join us?"

"Yeah, sure..but my voice is not that good" I admitted to him.

"don't worry if we don't like your voice you're kicked out" he winked and walked to where Louis,Liam, and Zayn already gathered, And I followed behind him.

"Harry, you're gonna join us?" Louis asked grinning widely that I couldn't help but smile at him.

"Yeah, I told him to" Niall answered.

"Cool, so can you sing?" Liam asked me

"uhm.. I never actually snag in front of people I only sing in the shower, and some of my old friends back in my old school told me I have a good voice but I don't know" I answered awkwardly. damn why was I so awkward?

"Okay then sing" Liam told me. I nodded and took a deep breath before singing.

When we both fall asleep underneath the same sky

To the beats of our hearts at the same time So close but so far away. (can you hear me ?)

She sleeps alone.My heart wants to come homeI wish I was, I wish I was beside you

She lies awakeI'm trying to find the words to sayI wish I was, I wish I was beside you.

Another day and i'm somewhere newI made a promise that i"ll come home soonBring me back, Bring me back to you

When we both wake up underneath the smae sunTime stops I wish that I could rewindSo close but so far away.

I finished singing and I didn't even relies that I closed my eyed but I guess I was so into the song, but when I opened them they were all looking at me with wide-eyes and dropped jaws.

"what?" I asked blushing.

"You have an amazing voice Harry" Louis told me and my heart skipped a beat and I blushed even harder and they all nodded in agreement.

We spent the rest of the period planning the project out.

It's now lunch break so I went to our usual table and I saw there was a new girl sitting at our table, she was actually pretty I woul've gone for her if I didn't already like Louis.

"Hey" I greeted and sat down. I looked at the new girl "i"m Harry" I said smiling.

"Eleanor" She smiled back.

"Eleanor here is my best friend since forever" Louis added. and I nodded understandingly.

"So you're not new to this school?" I asked her, I thought she was a new kid or something.

"Nope, I was just out of town visiting family" she told me

"Oh" and then we all started talking with each other.

I was sitting next to Sarah (which wasn't a good idea). we started pocking each other and fighting over stupid things which eventually ended in a food fight, adn well, the rest of the table joined us so food was flying everywhere in our table, and other students just looking at us weirdly. But soon our fun was interrupted.

"Harry,Zayn,Louis,Niall,Payne,Sarah,Noura,Sara,and eleanor. Detention for the rest of the week starting today" Mr.Hugings our principal said before walking away. we all huffed and mumbled a quick okay before going to the bathrooms to clean ourselves.

sorry for the short chapter and for the long wait, I just don't feel like anyone is reading this, so idk if I should continue.... and this was kinda a filler chapter so idk man..

vote and comment? it will mean a lot to me :'


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