Chapter 13

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Harry's POV

I walked up the few steps in front of Lous's door I knocked two times cause I don't wanna annoy his family (Like Noura does to my home) yeah that girl is weird, remind me again why am I friends with her? Oh yeah cause I like Sarah and she's her best friend so i'm stuck with her.

His mum opened the door, or what i'm guessing is his mum, she is beautiful for a woman her age, and I see where Louis's gets his looks from. "hello dear, are you here for Louis?"

"yes, I am ms.Tomlinson"

"ooh call me Jay dear"

"nice to meet you Jay" I said politely.

"come in sweety I want to have few words with you" I gulped nervously cause why does she wants to talk to me? like I can totally ruin this and then she wouldn't want me even 100 feets near her son.

I followed her in anyways cause i don't want her to think i'm and idiot for not doing so.. Their house was nice nothing too fancy but it was rather cute.

"so, you're Harry right?"

'No i'm beyonce' I thought "yes I am"

"And I get from Louis's shouting and singing all day about going on a date with you that you're taking him out on a date?" she asked

"Yeah i am if you don't mind" I flashed her my charming smile.

"Of course I don't mind darling you seem nice for my boobear"

I chuckled at the nickname "boobear? OH i'm so calling him that!" I exclaimed happily. so baby be with me so happily.. I love that song! as if on cue Louis came strolling down the stairs wearing black skinny jeans that made his bum look gorgeous, and a plane black t-shirt that hung to his chest and ugh I was stunned by his look, can I marry him already? wait,what? okay moving on.......

"oh Harry hi" he waved shily and I grinned at him.

"hey, ready to go?" I asked wanting to leave.

"yeah sure, just lemme grab my jacket" he ran upstairs and as soon as he left his mum gave me a pointing look.

"you take care of my son, you hear me? he really seems to like you, so break his heart and i'll break your body" she threatened.

"Don't worry ma'am I really like him too" I smiled fondly at the thought of Louis, speaking of him he just came and cleared his throat.

"Okay let's go i'm ready" he announced. I stood up and followed him to the door, he hugged his mum goodbye and then she shook my hand and looked my in the eyes and said "remember what I said earlier" I just nodded and we headed out and then went to my car.

A while later we arrived at the fun fair, I know it's not romantic but I don't care 'Cause I know Louis and i know how much of a kid he is at heart so why not?

"OMG Harrrrreeh I love the fun fair" Louis praised me and i couldn't help but grin at him..Just seeing him happy makes me happy.

I grapped his hand intertwine our fingers and BOOM here is the tangling feeling again. Ugh what does this mean? is it like the clitche novels where they feel tingles like this? oh wow i'm falling hard for the boy who is cruntly poutting cause his ice-cream fell and I just wanted to kiss away his adorable pout.

"come on Lou let's play some games" I shouted excitedly. and then we ran off and played all the game that there is. But when we got to the roller coaster my face fell.

Louis noticed "you scared of roller coasters?" he asked me and i can see him trying to hold a grin. Bastard.

"Yeah I am" it's not the i'm a wimp and scared of stupid stuff it's because when I was a kid I fell off one and broke my arm and my leg and bruised a few ribs. Never again.

"And why is that, may I ask my precious Hazza?" Louis questioned and lifted an eyebrow amused.

"You see when I was a kid I rode one, then I fell off and broke my arm and leg and got bruised ribs" I answered then I shuddered when I remembered that day.

"Oh, i'm sorry about that. But I AM a huge fan of roller coasters, so weither you like it or not you're riding with me" he smirked evilly at me.

"riding? I like the sound of that, but it's not the roller coaster i'm aiming to ride" I smirked smugly at him.

Suddenly he lent closer and whispered in my ear "Oh I'd love to see you riding me like a cowboy" and then bit my earlobe while pulling back. And my little friend got excited.. My nan in underwear. My nan in underwear. I kept chanting to myself and me cheeks flushed red. ugh.

looking at Louis he smiled innocently and then pulled me next to him in the line. "But I don't want to" I whined.

"come on Harry are you gonna let a little fear stop you from having fun?"

"Yes, if it meant me going home in one piece"

"will it make you feel better if I held your hand?" he pouted and gave me a puppy dog face that no one would be able to say no to.

I sighed "fine" I gave in but if I died tonight blame it on Louis tomlinson and tell my twitter people that I love them.

He grinned and then we got on the roller coaster I didn't scream like a little girl. at all. and I definitely didn't clung to Louis's hand for dear life.

When the awful ride finally stopped I got down on my knees and thanked the lord. Louis chuckled and pulled me to my feet "stop being dramatic"

"I am not, i'm just happy that I didn't die" I huffed.

"whatever, we still haven't got on the Ferris wheels" he suck his hand out "Care to join me my fair Harold?" he then added in a posh accent I just laughed and agreed.

The view from the top was amazing, Perfect even. But what really caught my breath was Louis sitting beside me staring at the distance looking flawlessly beautiful. How is that even possible? ugh he is so perfect i'm gonna cry.

"Take a picture it will last longer" he teased after obviosly catching me staring.

"sure" and I got my phone out and snapped a picture of him.

"I was joking" he laughed I just smiled and decided that Louis's laugh is my new faavorite thing in the world.

i'm just so lucky that I am able to have a guy like him in my life, hopefully one day i'll be able to call him my boyfriend, like seriously how could a person be so perfect? yeah he has his flaws but those just what makes him more perfect knowing that he is perfectly imperfect.

"Harry" i got snapped out of my thoughts when Louis called my name. I looked at him and smiled sheepishly and then I noticed that we were down and we need to get out.

" Oh sorry" I apologized and then got out and pulled Louis with me. We just walked around and talked and then Louis' stomach grumbled he looked down at it "you betrayed me" he mumbled and I just laughed at his cuteness.

"come on boo let's go eat."

"boo?" he asked.

"yes, boo. Now let's go eat"

We walked to my car and then drove to a restaurant that looked nice we ordered dinner and chatted during it.

All in all it was perfect. But sadly everything has to end so now i'm parked in fron of Louis house.

"well, this is goodbye then" he spook dramatically.

"thanks boo, I really enjoyed today" I grinned at him

"No, Thank you it was perfect, But next time i'm the one taking you out" he winked and I blushed he said next time. That means that we're doing this again.

before i knew it he leaned in and pecked my lips and then he was out of the car and waving at me as he got inside his house.

I grinned and went back home. As soon as I got there I went upstairs and took a quick shower and then I laid in bed soon sleep kicked in and I made mental note to ask Sarah about her date.

(A/N) I'M SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! hopefully more updates coming soon :D!
Oh And sorry if this sucks, I've never been on a date before so yeah....


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