Chapter 12

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When the final rang I went straight to room 208 for detention, for our 'rebellious' act in the cafeteria, but damn that was so much fun!. When I entered I was 5 minutes early and the room was empty so I sat on one of the chairs and took out my notebook and a pen and started thinking of a song to write until the rest of them come.

I waited and I waited for ideas to come...but still nothing! damn why is it so hard? Okay maybe because it's because this is the first time I actually write a song... I wrote some shit before but never songs mostly poems.

Couple minutes minutes later the door burst opened and Sara, and Noura came in.. after that they just kept piling up in class until all of us were there. As if on que the teacher came in a dman she was ugly, she had a big nose and a mole right next to it and wrinkles all over her face, and she is wearing a long black dress that looks like a tent , and don't even get me started on her hair it's just an ugly grey mess on her head. I shivered just looking at her.

"Listen delinquents, i'm stuck with you for an hour, so I have one simple rule, you sit quite until the end of this hours, and I don't wanna hear as much as a whisper so you don't get another day added to your detention. Got it?" she told us and we all nodded quickly "Good" and she sat down at her desk.

I gulped and glanced around the class to find that everyone seems to feel the same about her....

We spent a few minutes sitting in silence and me trying to find a song to write..But still no ideas. until the teacher's phone rang and she gave us a stern look before leaving to answer her phone. We all sighed of relief and looked at each other before we burst out laughing for no reason.....We're just that weird, after finally calming down the teacher walked in and gave us an annoyed look...Its seems like she heard us, well her fault to leave us alone for a couple minutes.

"Listen delinquents, The office want me there. You're gonna sit in your seats and not move a muscle until I come and let you out, i'm looking the door so there is not escape for you" she told us and we all nodded and she left locking the door behind her.

"Finally" Noura exclaimed.

After that we all erupted into chatting with each other.. And somehow we ended in a paper balls fight (started by me and Sarah) me and that girl should never be allowed to sit with each other....

Finally the hour passed by, and the ugly ass teacher came to let us out..Which we all gathered our stuff quickly and basically ran home.


3rd person POV

The week went by quickly for the guys and girls, they spent it all the same, classes, detintion and then finally home.

Today is saturday aka the big dates day, Sarah,Harry,Zayn and Louis are quiet nervous about their dates.

Noura is with Sarah helping her to dress up for her date, She was so nervous Noura has to slap her 3 times before actually calming down..She ends up dressing casually cause they're just going to restaurant with an arcade so no need to dress nicely. So she is wearing black skinny jeans, a white tank top and a dark blue cardigan. And her hair is let down in it's natural curls with a beanie to tame the mess.

Noura forces her to put some make up on, and sits her down on a chair and starts doing her make up. She puts some bronze blush, Mascara a thin eyeliner and a light pink lip-gloss. Again nothing too fancy just the casual

"Wow, you look hella fine" Noura compliments the younger girl.

"Aww, thanks bae I owe it to you" Sarah replies gratefully and then pulls the bigger girl for a hug.

Meanwhile, Harry is literally freaking out,he can't find his shirt and his pants is all wrinkled and not wearable, his hair looking messier than usual and not ina good way. And well, he is this close to breaking down until his mum walks in the room.

"Babe, what's wrong?" she asks

"I have a date with this Louis guy, he is so beautiful and I had a crush on him since the first day of school, and now nothing seems fine. I can't find my shirt and my pants is a disaster and don't even get me started on my hair" he answered.

"Aw, don't worry i'll help you get ready, you sit on your bed and i'll pick something out for you to wear" His mum told him before walking in his closet and rooming around until she laid eyes on a perfect v-line white shirt and some black skinny jeans tossed at the back of the closet. "here, wear this"  she tossed them to her son.

he quickly gathered them and stripped down from his sweatpants and hoodie and wore the  clothes his mum picked out for him, after he is dressed he turned around in front of his mum to show her the clothes. She just smiled "You look handsome honey"

He smiled back before remembering his hair and frowning "what about my hair though?" he asked his mum.

She looked like she is in deep thoughts before snapping her fingers together and grining "aha, i've got it" and she went back to the closet to find what she was looking for..A few seconds later she came back with a blue beanie and put it on her sons head. "there all better" she smiled.

Harry beamed and kissed his mum thanking her for the help. And finally it was time for his date.

A crappy chapter I know.... The dates are on the next chapter tho :D!!!! yay!!

anyways i'm having a really hard time now so the updates might be late with school adn then practice I don't even have time for myself anymore....

vote and comment...please? <3<3


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