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john's stomach quenches up as he watches jaren run away from him. he didn't actually expect the boy to just spit his name out so randomly. he slowly turns around, catching the eyes up his two friends.

"are you friends with milk boy now?" evan questions, connecting his fingers with jonathan. john still doesn't understand why evan won't ask the other boy out.

"i don't know. maybe i am, maybe i'm not," john shrugs his shoulders, causing evan to scrunch up his small nose.

"is he your new boy toy or something?" jonathan asks, grasping onto evan's hand tighter and intertwining their fingers.

"no, why would he be? listen, he's just an acquaintance right now," john sighs deeply, trying to control his movements, "i'm not a player anymore."

evan looks at jonathan in disbelief for a second. he leans in closer, whispers something into the other boy's ear, and pulls away with a small smirk.

"ok, we both know that's not true, so let's participate in a little dare," evan smiles, grabbing onto john's shoulders and pushing him to lunch, "we dare you to making him fall in love with you before this year ends."

"one whole semester isn't enough time, evan," john spits, looking at the canadian boy, "why would i even want to do it?"

"you two seem like you have a good connection already, and that's hard to get with a guy like milk boy. brock told me that the boy has got a lot of things to work from, and doesn't open up to people easily," evan explains, looking over at jonathan with a smile.

"ok, there's always a catch with you though.." john pauses, looking up at the cafeteria they just entered.

"you have to breakup with him before graduation?" evan states, causing jonathan to lightly smack him.


"you said that's there always a catch so i had to think of something quickly!" evan yells, trying to stop the judge-mental stares that he gets from his friends.

"i'm not doing it," john quickly says, catching the floppy hair of the boy from his art class, "but i will go and talk to him right now have fun lovebirds."


john slides into the other table, almost crashing into his friend, david. he shouts out an apology, quickly sitting next to brian.

"hi brian, hi brock. how are you guys doing?" john asks, looking up as he sees jaren finally sit down at the table.

"great, thanks for asking," brock quickly says, resuming his conversation with brian about college.

a small groan echoes from the other side of the table.

"are you just going to start following me now like a stalker?" jaren asks, picking at some of his mac-and-cheese.

"i mean, do you want me to, jaren?" john smirks back, and hears a fork drop next to him.

"jaren, you told him your name? how long have you guys even known each other," brian quickly questions, trying not to spit out his drink.

jaren just stares at john for help, so the sandy blonde boy begins to speak.

"i've seen him before but we just started talking today in art," john quickly spits out, and jaren bangs his head on the table multiple times before giving a glare to john. he's guessing that he said the wrong thing this time.

the table goes silent for a second, and brock gives a questioning look towards jaren. john feels like all eyes are on him in the room, and he can't help but feel the pressure in his chest building up. his heart beats ten times faster within seconds.

brian begins to talk to brock again, directing the attention away from john. john mouths a quick 'thank you' to brian, who just simply nods at the boy. john gets up and moves to jaren's side.

"you were supposed to tell them that you've known me for a long time or something," jaren states, a piece of hair falling in his strawberry colored face.

"yea, i understand that now," john shoots back, moving closer to the boy in the red jumper with a smile.

"so why did you leave your table?" jaren tries to push the piece of hair out of his face, angrily grumbling when it falls back in.

"i saw you and wanted to talk. also i wasn't really in the mood to watch them flirt with each other all day," john sighs, stealing a bite of jaren's food with a smirk.

"you have two flirty friends? guess we're in the same situation then," jaren giggles, swatting away john's hand when he tries to grab another bite, "stay away from my food."

"but i want your food?" john pouts, trying to find some sympathy in the boy's face.

"then go buy it yourself?" jaren snaps back, laughing at the hurt expression on john's face. john watches as jaren tries to push the wild piece of hair back again, which causes it to pop back up.

"you're mean," john mumbles, leaning closer to jaren. he uses his index finger to push the piece of hair back slowly and behind the other boy's ear. he can feel the stare of brock on his movements again, and jaren finally smiles as the piece stays back for once.

john looks at jaren's face and realizes how close they are too each other. if john makes one wrong move, he could legitimately end up kissing jaren. john finds his eyes trailing down to the boy's lips before he can stop himself. his lips are a pretty pink color, yet look like they've been bitten a lot.

john quickly pulls away, shouting something about how he should probably go back to his friends. john can tell that jaren's cheeks are a tomato color before he leaves, and that makes him smile like a dimwit.

"so, what the heck was that about?" evan asks, raising his eyebrows at the other boy's pink-tinted face.

"i'll do it," john quickly says, trying to process the way that jaren looked when that was happening. he couldn't drag his mind away from the boy's vulnerable expression or the way he licked his lips right beforehand.

"what?" evan asks.

"i'll do the dare."


song: chlorine by twenty one pilots

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