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john shoves his way through the hallway, looking through doors to see if he could find jaren. he needs to start working on this dare quickly, which he completely forgot about until evan mentioned it again.

he didn't want to do it to the boy, especially because of their blooming friendship. but at this point, he has to keep up with the dare. he spots jaren over at his locker, wrapped up in a big pink jumper that extends over his wrists. john plasters on a small smile, walking over to the boy.

"hey flower boy," john walks up to the boy, and helps him pick up his books.

"flower boy?" jaren questions, looking at john with a timid smile.

"you painted my favorite flower one day in art and now i'm just giving you a different nickname," john closes jaren's locker for him, walking him to his class. jaren and john both found out very quickly that their math classes in the morning we're right next to each other.

"bluebells? they were my dad's favorite..." jaren trails off, gripping his books tighter.

"are you okay?" johns asks, and jaren softly nods at him with a fake smile on his face, "jaren, i know that smile is fake. what's going on with you?"

"it's kind of painful to talk about, john," jaren gives him a sad look, pushing the hair behind his face.

john quickly stops them from walking, "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"no john, i want to tell you. my dad was a great guy, and he always took me to parties and to the park. he even taught me how to play guitar and how to pick bluebells," jaren laughs at the memories, but tears also prick his eyes, "i don't know what happened. but when i was seven, he just had a mental breakdown."

john plays with the other boy's fingers, looking up and urging him to keep talking.

"he ended up hitting my mother with a pan. we don't know why he did it, but then he hit me with his fists. my brother saw it and called the cops, but i couldn't stand the look on his face when he got arrested. he kept yelling out apologies and how he didn't know what happened to his body," tears stain his pink jumper, "i still miss him, john. he just lost control of himself and now i d0n't know where he is."

"oh flower boy, come here," john whispers, wiping his tears away as the bell rings. jaren makes a move to get up, but john pushes him back down, "you need to calm down before you go to class. i'm not letting you leave this space yet."

"thank you, john."

"you're welcome, flower boy."


evan doesn't get nervous. it's what he knows is true about himself, but when it comes to jonathan, everything around him begins to fall apart and he loses himself. jonathan makes everything about him feel different, and that makes evan both nervous and terrified.

he dreams about jonathan a lot, more than he likes to admit. he mentions this to john sometimes, but he never tells him what the dreams are about. he never tells john that he dreams of kissing jonathan, or that he dreams of marrying the boy one day. he doesn't tell john anything.

he's just a bottle of emotions that has been shaken up too much and is bound to explode.

he grabs onto a piece of his bedsheets and quickly calls john.

"evan? what do you want?" john asks, and evan can hear jaren's sniffles over the line.

"did i interrupt something important?" evan questions, and john goes silent for a second.

"yea but don't worry about it. what do you need?" john says, and he notices that evan is definitely pacing around his room.

"i, uh, i want to ask jon out on a date?" evan scratches the back of his neck, hearing a slight noise from john. evan assumes that he must of said something to jaren.

"hell yea borther! get your man!" he hears jaren yell from the background, causing him to laugh. he's still surprised his excuse of being sick to his parents got him out of going to school.

"ok, ok. i'll leave you two alone now," evan slightly rolls his eyes, hanging up the call.

he dials in another number, pressing the buttons quickly.

"evan? evan, where the hell are you? you left me alone at school!" jon shouts on the line.

"jeez jon, i just wasn't feeling it today. aren't you in class?" evan asks, hearing jon snicker about something.

"yea i am, but when i told ms. talon that it was you she said that i should answer it," evan is able to hear shuffling in the back.

"are you on speaker?" evan questions, throwing himself on his bed.

there's a long pause before jonathan actually answers.

"maybe?" he says, chuckling a little.

"well you might want to go off of speaker," evan states, trying to fix his breathing and calm himself down.

"oh ok, it's personal," jon says, but then starts screaming, "yes ms. talon i understand that you want to hear your ship talking but this is a personal MATTER."

"ok are you off?" evan asks, wiping away the nervous sweat that fell from his face.

"yep, what is it ev?" jon asks.

"i was wondering if you-" evan quietly trails off, trying to think if he should really do it or not. his brain is telling him not to do it, but his heart is begging for it to come out.

"if i what? ev, the suspense is killing me at this point," jonathan dramatically says, and evan can practically feel his smile through the phone.

"i was wondering if you wanted to go out on date sometime?" evan spit out, trying to control his emotions.


"you know what never mind, it was a stupid thing to say and i really shouldn't have done it but i just love you and i didn't-" evan says until jonathan cuts him off.

"jeez, it's cute when you ramble," jon giggles through the phone, "evan, i've literally been waiting for you to ask me this for a year. i would love to."

evan can hear applause and yelling through the phone and he can't help but laugh.

"so, are you free next sunday, love?"


i actually really like this chapter what? that's like the first one i've actually loved dang. also just letting everyone know that updates will be out every 3 or 4 days now, rather than everyday

song: when the party's over by billie eilish

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