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«How long will we have to wait for reinforcement?» Yoongi asked a little irritable, taking off blood-stained t-shirt from himself and right there with disgust throwing it into the laundry basket. Already during the last month their city "stormy" terribly. A wave of killings, attacks, fires and earthquakes. Evil spirits as if burst from a chain, creating problems and City Patrol hardly as got along at consequences. Their forces ended now. It seemed that another one or two missions - and each would fall dead from overwork. M-city CP needed fresh employees. Urgently.

"Namjoon sent a request to the center three times," Jin shrugged, tiredly leaning back on backrest of his chair. "Personally I will wait couple days. if nothing changes - I will gather things, and get out of here." Tae, sitting next to his older friend, approvingly smirked. Actually, Taehyung too wanted to do so, and would have acted a few days ago, but he couldn't leave his family. Yoongi clicked tongue, loudly slamming the door of his locker. This sound echoed off the walls of a half-empty men's dressing room.

"You'll take a shower after each task?" Tae arched an eyebrow, noticing the bath towel in Yoongi hands for the third time that day.

“I'm not a mess like you,” the blond snorted. "And not willing to accept the smell of creatures."

"Of course," Seokjin smiled. "You should smell only vanilla."

“Caramel, actually,” corrected Taehyung, “he's our sugar boy, you forgоt?”

“Fuck off,” Yoongi snorted, showed an indecent gesture to his friends, then left the dressing room. After some time, he rejoined their company, which was supplemented by several other people. A few dozen people. In the main hall of the headquarters it was like in that hive: everyone mixed up and talked incessantly. Standing here and there the screens were shined with bright pictures and informational messages, and especially loud coordinators immediately shouted everything out.

At the crossroads of East and South streets, two werewolves clashed!

Under the main town hall goblins filled up one of the subway tunnels!

The coffee maker broke again!

“I just wanted to do the lattе,” Jungkook whimpered, lowering his gaze on the empty mug in his hands.

“Why are you still here?” - Namjoon asked loudly, passing by his colleagues, looking at something on the worktable. Bags under the eyes, unhealthy complexion and tired look added him a few years to the real age. The fact, that Kim had to bathe in the coordination department instead of killing creatures on the streets also played a part. He would gladly now take up a sword, but the situation would not allow. Thanks to his analytical skills, the guy was very good at distributing responsibilities between the small staff, and now CP of M-city needed it.

“Have a conscience, Joon, we just came,” Yoongi complained, frowning his eyebrows.

“The way you came in as well as you will go away, ” Namjoon expressively looked at the speaker, stopping, “the plane lands an hour later,” he added at the end, after which he quickly walked to the control panel, which was under the central screen. Taehyung, Jungkook, Jin and Yoongi looked at each other wonderingly.

"Which plane?" asked Tae, catching up Namjoon.

"Are you kidding me?" in the guy's voice mixed irritation and a certain nervousness. Pressing the touchpad several times, Joon frantically exhaled before inflating his cheeks. “I told to Hoseok that you must to meet the new ones.”

“But he didn't tell us about it,” Taehyung shook his head a little. "Wait a minute," the guy started up,  "the center nevertheless singled out the guys for us?"

“And where would they go,” for a second Namjun’s lips curved in a smug smirk. Tae approvingly slapped his friend on the back, lifting the corner of his mouth.

“I'll take them,” said the brown-haired guy. “How many people should be?”

“Six,” came the immediate response. - Flight number 60948, and take with you one of ours. They had to bring some necessary things for our magicians, rather cumbersome.

"Okey," already leaving, Tae said loudly. The unpleasant lump that had been hanging in the boy’s chest for several days slowly began to dissolve. Now, when six brave men join them, it will be easier.

“And by the way, Taehyung,” Namjoon called, “these are girls.”

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