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"Once upon a time, as if in a past life," the red-haired girl smiled oddly at these words, "me with my parents and brother lived in the West of China, in a small provincial town. We then just moved because of father's problems, all the time cursing among ourselves. Every evening, a scandal shook our house, and at some point I fell apart. I could not stand it, and expressed to my parents everything that I think about them, after which I received a sickly slap in the face ...»

"I'm sorry," Jimin frowned, but Soojin shook her head, sniffing.

"No, I deserve it. Those words that I told them, they were terrible, I still regret that I behaved like that. But this is now, years later. And then I decided for myself that I hate family and decided to run away"

"And you've done it?"

"Of course ..." Soo said even with some pride. "At night I got down from the second floor, having managed with a full bag of things on my shoulder from a windowsill to jump onto a tree. Then I felt like such a ninja, you just can't pass." Park grunted, lifting a corner of his mouth in a half-smile. "Having caught a ride, I got to the city center. She had no idea what to do next, where to go, why exist. There were a couple of notes in my pocket that I decided to immediately spend on a cup of coffee in a nearby cafe. "After this phrase, the girl's face was visibly darkened, that former dreamy nostalgia disappeared. "Probably, then I looked completely lost, since Nicholas came up to me. Handsome, attractive, no longer a guy, but not a man yet, with a sly smirk on his lips, but still inspiring confidence."

" Not a human?" suggested Jim. Not that the guy thought that an ordinary person could not be like that, but it seemed that Soojin was leading to this.

"Yeah," the girl confirmed his guess, "but I didn't know about it then, nor about the mystical component of the world in principle."

"And what did this Nicholas do?"

"He offered what every girl in need needed — help," she smiled wearily, staring thoughtfully into the void in front of her. "He said that his friend is the owner of a hotel complex, which is just looking for fresh staff. He assured me that he would organize at least a maid's place for me, with the right to stay at the hotel and eat there, isn't this a wonderful start for a little independent girl?" With a look, and looked into Jimin's eyes, ironically arched an eyebrow.

"Even too wonderful," the guy grunted, grabbing the ironic tone of his interlocutor. "How were things really?"

"No matter how hackneyed and typical it sounds, he pulled me into a stash, although it doesn't sound quite typical, because the stash was demonic," shook her head, wrinkling her nose a little, as if she were talking about some kind of funny embarrassment. "You know, such a terrible place, where all the time the girl's cries are too excessive. From pleasure, pain, or fear." The red-haired bit her trembling lower lip.

"How old were you?" Asked Jimin grimly.

"Fourteen," she shrugged, looking away. "But at least I was not raped in the understanding that you might think about," she shook her head, clasping her palms together, holding them between her hips. "I heard that my innocence was cherished for some" special "customer," she spat out the penultimate word with contempt.

"But what then ... " the guy did not know how his wounds apparently didn't hurt the wound that had not yet healed.

"The fact that they took care of my innocence does not mean that they didn't bring clients to me," the girl breathed, "someone had enough kisses and touches, someone didn't beat them up, but in any case, I realized that they still felt sorry for me. I heard screams. Every fucking day, I heard someone die ..."

"Soojin ..."

"You can't imagine how unbearable it is," the girl's hands shook, and a new portion of tears froze in her eyes. "Feel your helplessness, and someone else's. Understanding that you can't help, and just like that, sooner or later someone will not be able to help you ... I fell apart because I remembered all that shit that happened to me. And now there is only one thought in my head: what if this girl we found has the same fate as me?" With raised her head, and looked into the eyes of a colleague. "I became a Patrol in order to protect people from this, but what do I see now? All in vain!"

"Soojin, we cannot help absolutely everyone. Do not take it personally."

"I can't help but perceive, Jimin. I took an oath on blood, just like you did" the guy pursed his lips a little, after exhaling noisily.

"You understand what I mean."

"Just like you," she said in reply, pulling away. Park ran his tongue along the inside of his cheek, carefully looking into Gene's eyes. Looking for something in them? Maybe, although he did not fully understand exactly what.

"I understand your desire," Jimin broke the silence. "You want to take on this business, right?" - Pak, however, like Co, understood that no one would deal with and investigate the murder of one girl, while this happens all the time. And it doesn't matter that this is the third death at the hands of an incubus in the last month, although this has not happened before for two years. After the second case, Chim made inquiries.

"Yes," she nodded, sniffing, "will you help me?" - in the eyes of the girl, the Asian saw rays of hope.

"Where am I going to ..." She smiled with relief, and then rushed at the guy, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you," she whispered softly, buried in his neck.

"Not yet," muttered in response, dropping that chin to the top of the head. After that, the pink-haired look caught on two figures who had left the headquarters building. After a few seconds, he was able to make out in them Soyeon and Taehyung, who apparently were heading to the parking lot.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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