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"And how is it going?" Joon asked wearily, sitting on the sofa next to Jimin. The hot drink in his hands burned the guy's fingers through the ceramic walls of the mug.

"It seems like everyone got along well," Park shrugged and thrown back his head against the back of the sofa. "But now we understood that Yoongi can't be paired up with Shuhua." Namjoon smiled thinly. The way this couple quarreled for some reason amused him.

"What happened?"

"They patrolled together this night in the southern region," Jim yawned, covering his mouth with his hand.


"Yoongi came back with a huge bruise under his eye."

"Did she hit him?" remembering some expressiveness of Soyeon, it was quite expected.

"No", the guy shook his head negatively, and then again yawned. "He was hit by one of the werewolves that Min decided to stick to." I still did not understand the reason for the conflict, but the point is that Suga wanted to arrest those guys. A scuffle ensued, at the beginning of which he said to Shu, I quote the text she cited earlier: "Do not go, you will still interfere."

"She didn't climb, and they beat him, right?" - Namjoon guessed what was the ending in history.

"Yeah," Park nodded affirmatively, "but they finally quarreled not because of this, but because Shuhua took the side of those wolves, and said, I quote:" Your ass was kicked deservedly."

"It's all too childish," Joon squinted, arching his lips, so that the corners looked down.

"In fact, their conflict is much more serious than I described," Jimin breathed loudly, habitually combing his hair back with his fingers, "but I was not interested in going into it all." Kim grunted, finally deciding to take a big sip of the coffee.

"It would be more interesting to stare at Soojin, huh?" Kim grinned slyly, sipping some more coffee. It was not one staff member who mocked the unsuccessful attempts of Jimin to pursue a red-haired girl. Generally, frankly, to Seo, as well as to other girls, it was not one guy who guy caring for a girl. Most of them beat off Jimin himself, the second, smaller part, Hoseok. Eternally serious and somewhat detached Jeon, surprisingly all quickly found a common language with Soojin. Their relationship was difficult to call friendly, or even more romantic. They just often spent time together. For workouts, tired conversations after patrols, silent late dinners. Soojin cooked pancakes that he liked for Hoseok as much as possible, and he rudely sent overly annoying cavaliers. Such relationships suited them both, and did not suit Jimin.

"Though you don't start," Park huffed irritably, folding his arms over his chest.

"Maybe you still leave all this? In my opinion, the girl made it clear that she does not want any relationship with you."

"And I, in turn, made it clear that you did not go into my business until I asked," there was displeasure in the guy's voice. "In general, you should have spent your free time to sleep, and not all this." Jimin abruptly rose from the couch, and headed for the exit from the "cabinet" of a friend. "I'm serious," the guy said, a little softer, because he was worried about his health.

Overstrain certainly does not contribute to anything good. Jimin deftly maneuvered between the desks and the staff members moving between them. The hive, as always, was buzzing, the coffee maker, as it always threatened, was about to go out of order, menacing threateningly.

"JIMIN!" the guy looked around and saw who called him.

"What do you want, Lucas?" Park asked wearily when the brown-haired man caught up with him. Lucas is that annoying little boy who is always in your company. He receives from the elder comrades quite a few cuffs simply because he is the smallest. True, over time, he grows in front of you, and turns into a strong guy who himself can fool you. Lucas was the nephew of Namjoon, the son of his sister, she also worked at the CP in his analytical department. The boy literally grew up in the walls of the headquarters, so it is not strange that he decided to become a Patrol.

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