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“And some guy obviously lose,” Tae grinned, patting Yoongi. The blond shook his shoulder irritably, looking askance at his friend, and then looked at the girls who had left the simulation hall. When Yoongi ordered to summon a troll, did he want that Soyeon, and especially Shuhua, get a little bit of mischief, and realize that they were not sufficiently prepared? Yes, the Asian will not even hide it if they ask him. Was he disappointed when he realized that it took only a minute for the two fragile ladies to defeat a three-meter block of stone? Not...

Yoongi went berserk.

Of course, as soon as the troll appeared in the hall, the brunettes were at first confused. Shuhua tried unsuccessfully to shoot the troll in the head several times, but the arrows simply bounced off the stone skin, or even broke. Trolls were strong, relatively invulnerable, except for sunlight, huge and ferocious. But just by mind and at least some flexibility, poor fellows, were deprived.

"Harry Potter!" Soyeon shouted loudly when Vasiliy began to pick up speed and run straight at them, wanting to trample.

"Harry Potter?" Shuhua asked uncomprehendingly, backing away. Throwing the sword aside, Jeon unbuckled a long, thin dagger from her ankle, and smiled anticipatoryly.

“Harry Potter,” the leader nodded again, and retreated a few steps, after which she herself ran towards Vasiliy. "Help me!" Shuhua responded immediately and fired a special arrow right in front of Soyeon, whispering the conjuring word at the right time. A piece of empty space where the arrow literally dissolved as if hardened, so that Soyeon was able to jump on it in order to jump onto the troll the next moment. From such impudence Vasiliy growled with displeasure, and began to turn and wave his arms, trying to throw off the brunette, but she held on too tightly.

Having made the last spurt, Soyeon climbed around the troll's neck and with a sharp movement thrust the dagger into his nose, piercing his brain.

“Oh, ew,” Shuhua grimaced, instinctively pressing her palm to her nose. Vasiliy last roared, and then fell dead, raising a noise and a layer of dust into the air.

“Not bad,” said Hosеok, who was standing next to Namjoon, thoughtfully."Quickly navigate." Namjoon nodding, agreeing with Jeong’s conclusion, while simultaneously making some notes on the tablet.

Vasiliy always played the role of an unpleasant surprise for beginners. Once caught in disorderiness in the suburbs, he was condemned to extermination, with creatures there was no special ceremony, and they killed for the slightest offense. But the head of the headquarters, Mr. Jackson, suggested an alternative for the troll: to work for a while at the headquarters of the CP, after which he would be released. Vassenka’s choice was obvious.

“This is not a material illusion,” Jin explained, noticing Miyeon’s confusion. She, unlike her colleagues, looked after the action not with surprise or anxiety, but with incomprehension and question in her eyes. "Our magician moves the essence of the troll in the simulation, while its owner is in a comatose dream."

"You have alive troll here ?!" Minnie loudly asked, without giving Miyeon insert at least a word.

“His room is just below us,” Jin nodded affirmatively, “if you wanna, I will introduce you to each other.”

“Take them to your children godparents,” Yoongi was unhappy about the fact that his friends were trying to make friends with strangers. Nobody supported his point of view, and this made Min even more aggressive towards the new ones. He spat on an imaginary agreement with Taehyung — these dilettant's enrage him.

“But not me: I am an atheist,” Soojin smiled a little, pointing at herself, and afterwards pointedly looked at the blond. Apparently, not one Shuhua decided to respond with taunts to taunts.

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