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The plan for follow-up was extremely simple: they gave to  girls fifteen minutes to relax, and after that they would demonstrate their skills. The girls were allocated two rooms where they will live throughout the time. Although it was clear from the workload of the Patrolmans that they there would only sleep.

“Your dossier came only five minutes ago,” Namjoon grunted, imposingly walking along the training hall, walking toward Soyeon, who was sitting on the bench. She first came to the gym.

“The center, as always, does everything on time,” the brunette said sarcastically, starting to collect her hair in a ponytail.

“I still wonder how we are still alive with such guidance,” the guy smiled faintly, shaking his head. "But okay, now is not the point." Kim sat down next to Jeon, and stared at his tablet, starting to flip through the files in a new way. "In your city, the activity of evil is 12%, and for me it is an unimaginable figure," Joon adjusted his glasses, and looked again at Soyeon, one could see surprise and admiration in his eyes. In their city, this figure never fell less than forty, and in other cities the situation was not very different.

"Can I take it as a compliment?" slightly inclined head forward, Jeon cheerfully asked.

“Completely,” smiling, Namjoon took off his glasses, and hooked them by the back of his T-shirt. The gym began to slowly fill up with people. Shuhua and Yuqi were loud discussing something, but Namjoon was too tired to listen. The guys, in full force, were sitting in the boxing ring, also talking. “But it’s also worth taking as a question:“ How did you do it? ”

"I will tell, but only when you will be able to perceive information," hinting at Joon’s tired look, Soyeon said, rising. "Come, my already arrived."

"Where is my cherry-girl?" already for a minute Shuhua whimpered, barely noticeably jumping on the spot. Minnie, Miyeon, Yuqi and Shu stood in the center of the free space, casting their glances at the entrance.

"You also call her a cherry?" Jimin grinned, going to the company with Taehyung. Park for the all time while they waited, looked for Soojin with even more than Miss Yeh.

"In what sense?" brunette frowned, glancing malevolently at Jimin. "Do not even think about what you think. Jin-jin is mine, okay, huh?" on such a statement, Miyeon rolled her eyes, offendedly pursing her lips , and Jimin merely grinned. He didn't take the girl's words seriously, for him they sounded like babbling of a disgruntled child.

“Of course, he understand,” said Taehyung. Jimin could seriously begin to argue, which could lead to conflict. Sometimes Park himself behaved like a real naughty child, it brought a lot of problems.

“Excuse me-e-e,” Soojin ran into the hall, apologizing, as she went. Like her companions, she dressed in more comfortable and sporty clothes, and make her hair up so that they don't interfere.

“Let's start the simulation to begin with to see how you work in the group ...” began Namjoon, while the struggle between Shuhua and Jimin began. As soon as Soojin approached their company, Shu immediately grabbed her arm and forced her to stand next to her. Jimin, as if by chance, walked with small steps to the other side of the improvised circle, standing on the other side of the red-haired one, but Shuhua deftly changed places with her.  Jimin looked meaningfully at the brunette, and moved again, but Shu did her trick again, changing them. In this time, Soojin only smiled panicked, not understanding what's happening and why. This could go on all day if Hoseok, who had come up, hadn't grasped Seo by the palm of his hand, and hadn't forced her to stand between him and Soyeon. Leader immediately put her arm around the Soojin's waist and looked at JimShu with a little sneer.

“It’s still good that Miyeon didn’t decide to fight,” Yuqy silently whispered to Taehyung. Kim smiled, imagining what an epic battle might break out. Although his smile was also caused by the fact that Song herself talking to him.

“Your Soojin is very much in demand,” Tae grinned, folding his arms over his chest.

“... and then we will think what to do next,” Namjoon finished his monologue, not even noticing that not everyone was listening to him.

"Yes, let's get started!" Minnie clapped her hands loudly, she was full of enthusiasm. Placing her palms on Miyeon's shoulders, she began to push her toward the simulation hall what Joon was talking about. A couple followed and the other girls. The hall itself was a big empty room. There were no windows, the lighting was represented by a multitude of light bulbs on the ceiling and walls, which glowed rather dimly. The floor had a rubber coating, as if in a gym. One wall was equipped with glass so that those who are not in the hall could observe what was happening. Shuhua and Soyeon were the first to enter the simulation, Jin suggested first entering in pairs so that it was easier to keep track of the girls' actions. Jeon chose a massive sword as her weapon, and Shu a bow with arrows. At the command of Namjoon, the magician operator dimmed light, launching magical streams. One second — and the empty hall turned into a forest thicket, between which trees various monsters hid. Without waiting for the former to attack, Shuhua shot in head  at the creature who stood closest. From the throat of the monster, the death-wheeze broke out, and he fell dead to the ground, which served as a signal to the rest. There were about ten creatures, three of which were of the first difficulty level. They weren't a real threat, but they could distract you  at an unnecessary moment. They all attacked at once, and not in turn, as it happens in films, but the duet was ready for it. Soyeon skillfully wielded a sword, Shuhua - bow and arrow. The rest of the girls silently watched their fellows, while the guys all loudly discussed. Of course, the comments were mostly commendable, which made the girls proudly smile for the successes of Soyeon and Shu, only Yoongi couldn't accept the fact that “some kind of stranger bitches” are really good.

“Launch Vasiliy,” Min ordered to the operator, when the girls almost managed their opponents.

“Oh no, not Vasiliy,” Jin whimpered, shaking his head. The magician-operator looked inquiringly at Namjoon, awaiting orders from him.

"What else is Vasiliy?" Minnie asked anxiously, looking at Jin

"Russian mountain troll."

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