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"I'm want  a hamburger, ameri ..."

"Cheeseburger ..."


"Please order a milkshake."

"And cheese sauce ..."

As soon as Yoongi stopped at a special stand, where you can place an order, everyone immediately start shouted inside the cabin. Everyone wanted to order what he wants.

"Oh, to hell," Min started the engine again, and drove off to the parking lot, soon out of the car and slamming the door. Muttering something under his breath, and frowning, the guy went into the fast food building, thus disappearing from sight.

"He obviously won't feed us," Shuhua snapped her seat belt, and began to make her way to the exit.

"Milk shake ..." Soojin again repeated, but already quieter.

"Of course, Jin-Jin," the brunette smiled, and then got out of the car and hurried to McDonalds. Shu returned to the minivan earlier than Yoongi and was quite pleased. But the blonde seemed more sullen than before. The rest of the trip went silently. The girls silently ate their lunch without talking. They must be too tired to talk, because the road is tiring.

"I cannot see the ley lines without special devices, only magicians can," Yoongi interrupted them silently. For a moment he glanced at the rear-view mirror, and questioner raised his chin, turning to Miyeon. " You are a magician?"

"Not really," the faint smile that had graced Mi's aristocratic face before had faded.

"She will play the role of Patrolman," said Soyeon sternly, tearing her eyes from the view outside the window.

"Half-blood that is not recognized, huh? - Min did not give up, although this time he was guided not by harm, but by a desire to sort it all out. Tae, not understanding the friend's intentions, threw a warning glance at him, and then turned to look at the brown-haired girl. She lowered her gaze to her hands, and barely noticeably pursed her lips, which indicated that the blond was right.

"That's none of your business," Soyeon continued to protect her partner.

"Let me decide for myself," Yoongi snorted, stopping the car. Having unbuttoned the seat belt, the guy took the bag with the purchased food, got out of the car, and disappeared from sight.

"Here you don't have to worry about it," Taehyung assured, "our friend has the same ''problem'' , but everyone doesn't care about it. This is probably the main advantage of the metropolis - people do not live by prejudice."

Miyon looked up, and looked gratefully at Taehun.

"Thank you for that," Yuqi, who encouragingly hugged Chon, thanked gently. "Everyone in your patrol like you or like him?"

"I'm definitely the coolest," the guy nodded, clearly overestimating his qualities, which the girls immediately understood and accepted with a smile. Quickly getting out of the minivan, Kim went for the luggage, opening the side doors on the way. After some time, all the bags and suitcases were conveyed to the freight elevator, and the they all went down to the zero-floor - the main floor of the headquarters. The hive was still buzzing, and everyone didn't care about their arrival. After taking the girls to the management's office, Tae went to the rest room, where he found friends. The room was on the first floor of the building, but the second floor of the complex. It was made in dark pastel colors, without bright accents. The glass wall revealed a view of the "hive", but it could be closed at any second with curtains. Due to the good sound insulation in the room there was a comfortable silence. The guys settled on one of several couch and a couple of soft armchairs, eating with appetite fast food brought by Min. 

"Yoongi told the truth?" Jungkook asked immediately, as soon as he noticed the brown-haired man. "They sent to us girls?"

"They sexy?" Jimin, as no one doubted, asked what everyone expected from him. Tae looked at the guys, slowly walked over to the table, and picked up an untouched portion of potatoes.

"Namjoon didn't tell me anything," Hoseok shook his head negatively, noticing a questioning look in his direction. Yoongi had already tried to shout at him about his silence. "Maybe he forgot, with his load on the brain it is expected."

"I hope that soon all this shit will calm down, and he will be able to rest normally. And we all."

"You know, we could have done it now, if we hadn't been fucked ..." began Yoongi, but Taehyug interrupted him, getting mad.

"You already fucked up, Suga! Every fucking minute you are telling the same thing," unexpectedly for others, Tae raised his voice, but Yoongi didn't react to it. His face continued to show indifference.

"Huh? common, hit me because of some strange bitches," the blond chuckled sarcastically, coolly looking at Taehyng. Kim strained his jaw, exhaled slowly. He understood why a friend behaved in this way, and this knowledge did not allow him to feel anger towards him fully. Putting the potatoes aside, Tae rubbed his palms together and crouched next to Yoongi.

"Let's see what they can do," he suggested. "If everything is the way you think - I personally will put them on the return flight, and you will go on vacation if everything has shaken you, agreed? - Tae extended his hand for a handshake.

"Uh, you are such pretty girls sometimes," Jin drawled, when Min reluctantly shook Kim's hand, and Tae patted him on the shoulder. 

"Shut up," the guys snorted in sync. The topic of new ones was closed without opening, although several things could be understood. Jungkook was confused by the prospect of working with the opposite sex, Jin took the situation with humor, Hoseok was frankly still, and Jimin was openly opposed to "try something new." And he meant it is clearly not cooperation with fresh people. It was very obvious when the hunting excitement broke out in his eyes when he saw the girls.Through the window of the lounge, one could see Namjoon leading them into the sleeping wing, discussing something vividly with Soyeon. Having licked his dry lips, the guy, with a familiar movement, brushed his hair back with his fingers, and rose.

“Cherry girl is mine,” Park said sternly, and headed down.

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