Act 1, Scene 8: The Butcher Gang

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Henry Stein

"Henry, oh my God, your eye!"

Linda was at Henry's side and stroking his back calmly. Henry still had a hand over his bleeding eye, and Joey's poison had made the wound worse, burning viciously and stinging at the touch. Sammy was pacing the room muttering to himself, Wally at his heels and asking him questions.

"What do we do now? Joey's found the safehouse, which means we can't stay here or he'll come back to finish us off," Wally fretted, waiting for Sammy to answer. Though he remained silent.

"I'm fine, I swear," Henry told Linda, who was checking him over.

"Then let me see it," she snapped back, pulling his hand away from his eye. She dropped it and gasped. "My God."

"What? It can't be that bad."

Linda shook her head. Henry searched her eyes for some kind of comfort, but there was none.

Sammy was suddenly at his side and gaping at his face. Wally kept his distance at the back of the room. Henry felt like he didn't belong here, shrinking away from everyone and covering his eye again.

"Can you see out of it?" Sammy asked, pulling Henry's hand off again. He didn't even think about checking for blindness. Closing his one good eye, he only saw darkness. Fear gripped his heart.

"No," he breathed.

Linda whimpered and hugged him tightly. She was getting very clingy lately, and it got on Henry's nerves. He didn't say anything, but pulled away lightly.

"I want to see it," he said. Sammy shook his head, but Henry repeated himself. "I want to see it."

Sighing, Sammy pulled out a piece of broken glass and handed it to Henry, who tilted it to where he could see himself. He nearly dropped it in surprise. His left eye was crossed out, like a dead cartoon's would be. Fresh scratches scored his face, ink trickling still. His good eye was still pie-cut like Bendy's would be, which was somewhat normal for him. But the poison ate away at his face, and the scratches were already showing signs of infection.

"While I was out, I checked the infirmary by my office," Sammy began, rummaging around in his bag. "I grabbed some medicine that might help with the infection. It might make it worse, but I want to give it a try."

He pulled out a bottle of decontaminant and tossed it to Henry.

"And if it does make it worse?"

"Then we'll toss it. And you'll be stuck with a blind side for the rest of your life."

Henry glared at him.

"I'd rather take my chances with infection," he jeered. Sammy nodded in understanding.

"I'll test it on my own infection. If it heals, I'll give it to you so you can treat yourself." Sammy put the bottle back in his bag and sighed. "We need to leave."

"Now?" Linda questioned. She stood up quickly and nearly pulled Henry off with her.

"Yes, now! We're not safe here now that Joey's found the safehouse. If we stay any longer, he's bound to come back to finish the job." Sammy nodded to Henry. "Henry and Wally should check the perimeters before we leave to see which path we should take. Linda and I will pack up, grab what we can and what we can carry until we find another resting spot. She seems to know the most about this place, so she can lead on the way out."

Linda was already picking pictures off the wall and stuffing them into a large binder. She grabbed her most recent notebook and sat it safely in her own bag.

BatIM AU: Henry's Path (OLD - rewrite in progress/consideration)Where stories live. Discover now