Act 3, Scene 19: The Darkness Exposed

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Henry Stein

Henry grunted in pain as Sammy threw himself at him, knocking the wind out of the animator. Sammy roared in fury and swung his axe at Henry, lodging the sharp metal into his arm. Henry screamed in pain, then bit down on Sammy's arm as the prophet attempted to choke him.

"How could you?" Sammy hissed, recoiling and preparing to strike again. "I trusted you! I gave you everything! And you just took it all away!"

Henry cringed at the absolute fury and venom that lined Sammy's voice, not counting the corrupted change. Even though his face was hard to see through the mask, Henry could swear he saw Sammy bare his teeth.

"I never did anything!" Henry hissed back, grabbing Sammy's left arm and sinking claws into the inky flesh.

Claws. What's happening to me? Henry tried to stop himself, but he felt a new, burning sensation envelop him. Was this the Dark Ink? The transformation itself was extremely painful, and he began to wonder if he would survive it. Something took over his mind then, letting itself shove Sammy to the floor. He couldn't stop himself from attempting to bite off his head. Sammy's eyes widened in fear and he tried to push Henry away with all his might. Henry had regained his own thoughts for a couple moments, able to observe what he had become. He glanced in a nearby puddle of ink and gasped in fear. He looked like an exact replica of Joey, only with pie-cut eyes instead of human-like ones. Henry could barely get a good look at himself before Sammy lodged his axe in his side. Henry roared in pain, murderous thoughts creeping back in. He swatted Sammy aside like a fly, ignoring the shocked cries from the others.

Suddenly something pulled Henry back, though it wasn't anything physical. It was an invisible force, and it made his arm go numb. Whipping around, ready to kill whatever prevented him from ending Sammy's life, then froze when he recognized Norman's spirit. The Projectionist held a firm grip on Henry's wrist, staring into his eyes with a blinding light.

"He doesn't deserve to die," Norman said. "It's not his fault. Remember who you are. Don't let the ink consume you like it did to Joey."

"And do what you couldn't do to save me last time." Wally came into view and gestured to Sammy. "He has a love stronger than I've ever seen before, and that's saying something, given how I wouldn't leave my wife's side. Norman, don't kill me for this, please."

Norman only laughed. "It's alright. Henry, if Sammy survives – if you all survive, tell him that I forgive him, and that I love him back." With a final glance at Sammy, Norman faded away, followed by Wally.

Henry blinked as he tried to process the information. He forced himself to look at Linda, the one thing that he knew would let whatever force was controlling him to leave. Henry felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders when he did, though his relief didn't last long. Sammy grunted as he got to his feet. He screamed in rage and went to hit Henry again with his axe, but when Henry dodged aside, Sammy fell forwards, face-first, into the ground. Henry grabbed him by the shoulders and stared into his black, bottomless pits for eyes. Sammy struggled, trying to break free, but Henry's hold was too tight.

"This isn't you," Henry told him. Sammy only snarled as a reply, spitting in his face. "I know you're in there somewhere. Don't let Joey take over."

"Don't try to reason with me, demon." The word demon was filled with so much venom that it could kill a lion.

"If you want to kill me, fine. I won't let years of regret stop you. Just think about what Norman would say if he was here right now."

The mere mentioning of Norman's name made Sammy stop struggling for a bit. His gaze softened. "Norman," he whispered to himself, the corruption gone from his voice. The golden glow was returning to his eyes.

BatIM AU: Henry's Path (OLD - rewrite in progress/consideration)Where stories live. Discover now