Fucking Rant (Nigga, Read The Obvious Ass Title)

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Yes. I'm hopping mad.

I go to help my brother, not knowing that he already has a prompt. So I read over it and explain it to him. He still confused. Alright, fine. I rewrite the whole thing simpler. He still don't get it. So I say to wait till mommy get home cuz I can't reexplain something that clear. I go tell my other brother that he (let's call him Jimmy) can't leave to go anywhere until he gets his homework done. Then he starts yelling at me.

NOTE: He keeps acting like whenever he yells at me I won't slap him. I also have a headache because of seasonal allergies.

He gets to talking loud and whining and for like one sentence I'm going against him. He start yelling and I slap him across his face. He tries to fight me. I wasn't about to punch him and waste my energy fighting a 12y/o so I grab his collar and push him away from me until he in the tub (this scene occurred in the bathroom).

I tried to help you through a headache, through the sniffles, through being hot and malnourished, and being mildly annoyed that My twix was eaten. This is the payment I get? You better think damn twice, fucking three times, before asking me about help ever again.

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