11. Unworthy

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We landed back in the observatory. Odin pulled Heimdall's sword from the control panel and threw it to him. 

" Why did you bring us back?" Thor asked his father. 

" Do you realize what you've done? What you've started?" Odin asked him. He basically started a war. And being conscious that I had been helping him, I decided to keep myself out of an argument I normally would have taken part in.

" I was protecting my home." Thor told him, that was another way to put it. 

" You cannot protect your friends. How can you hope to protect a kingdom?" Odin asked him. He turned to the others and told them to bring Fandral to the healing room. The warriors Three and Sif left while Loki and I stayed. 

" The Jotuns must learn to fear me. Just like they once feared you." Thor explained. 

I saw Loki breathe in, he had been the one that gave Thor the idea, maybe he was scared of what his father would say. I grabbed a hold of his hand to try and calm him down. 

" That's pride and vanity talking." Odin said " Not leadership! Have you forgotten everything I've taught you? What of a warrior's patience?" They were having a full blown argument, and Loki and I were just watching. 

" While you wait and be patient, the Nine Realms laugh at us! The old ways are done. You'd stand giving speeches while Asgard falls!" Thor shouted. 

But Odin was furious " You're a vain, greedy, cruel boy!" he yelled at his son. 

" And you are an old man and a fool!" Thor shouted back. 

He had not just said that. The whole world seemed to stop at his words. Odin fell quiet. When he spoke again, he was terrifyingly calm. " Yes, I was a fool," he said " to think you were ready." 

Loki took a step forward " Father." he said but Odin growled at him. He stepped back and grabbed my hand again. I don't think Odin had ever acted like that towards his children. I looked at Thor, who was furious as well. 

" Thor Odinson... You have disobeyed the express command of your King. Through your arrogance and stupidity, you have opened these peaceful Realms and innocent lives to the horrors and desolation of war." Odin said while plunging his scepter into the control panel. He opened the Bifrost. He wasn't calm anymore " You are unworthy of this Realm..." he started and ripped a disc off Thor's chestplate. I realised what was happening. "...unworthy of your title..." He ripped away Thor's cape. "...unworthy, of the loved ones you have betrayed. I now take from you your powers." He extended his hand and Mjolnir flew into it. " In the name of my father..." The right arm of Thor's armour disintegrated. " ...and of his father before..." The rest of the armour disintegrated. " I Odin allfather I cast you out!" 

With a crack of thunder and lightning Thor hurled backwards into the open Bifrost. Loki and I both looked at Odin, in shock. He had just banned his firstborn. He had banished Thor.

He whispered something to the hammer and threw it after Thor.

" I think it's best if you two head back to the palace." Heimdall told us. So we jumped on a horse and rode back in silence.

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