18. Story

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The next day Steve and I went to buy some decoration for my room and some new clothes. While we were looking for shoes Steve kept choosing awful shoes. 

" What about these?" he asked from the other side of the store, holding up green, blue and yellow sneakers. 

" If you wear those I'm walking at least 20 feet away from you." I told him. I picked up some nice black sneakers " How about these?" I asked him. 

He came over to see what they looked like. " They're nice." he said and tried them on. They fit so he decided to buy them. 

" Now you." he said. We looked around and I found a pair of red sneakers, the same exact color as my boots. They fit perfectly as well.

When we were done shopping for everything we decided to buy some pizza to take home. It was something I remembered from when I was little but never had in space. I ordered a margarita and Steve did the same. We went home and I decorated my room. I had a drawing of Loki and I, which Frigga had made before Thor's coronation. We looked so happy.

When I was done we decided to put on the TV. 

* Stark expo has finally been cleaned up after the devastating events of last week...* We had been watching the news. 

" They still have Stark Expos?" Steve asked. 

" What's that?" I asked him. 

" An exposition," he explained " With new inventions. I didn't know they still had those." 

* Tony Stark has told the press he'll pay for all the damage and will give refunds to the people caught up in the events of last week...* 

Steve seemed surprised. 

" What's wrong?" I asked. 

" I didn't know Howard had a son." he said. I looked at the man on screen talking to reporters. His description read, Iron Man and some footage was shown of robots flying and shooting around. With one in red and gold shooting at the silver ones. He had to be Iron Man. Since when did superheroes really exist?

It was 2 am and I couldn't sleep. And there was no library to run off to. So I got up to make myself some tea. I put on my new robe and went to the kitchen. When I had my cup of tea I noticed the light of the balcony was on. Steve was sitting there, looking at the city. 

I sat down next to him " Couldn't sleep either?" I asked. 

He shook his head. I noticed how he was looking at the stars, I knew that look. " You lost someone didn't you?" I asked him. 

" She's still alive." he said " But she's 93 now." He still had her, but didn't get to live his life with her. " How about you?" he asked " I saw a picture when you were decorating. What's the story?" 

The story, calling it that made it sound like it was over, which it was, I just didn't want it to be. " Well, it's quite the story." I said " You want the long or the short version?" " We have time." he said. So I told him the story. About a Ravager who crashed down and fell in love with a prince.


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