13. Nidavellir

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While Loki took up his role as king we couldn't spend all day together like we used to. So I decided to visit Frigga, who spend most of her time beside her husband. She was holding his hand and speaking to him. 

" Can I come in?" I asked her, standing in front of the guards. 

She nodded, so I entered and sat down next to her. He was sleeping, surrounded by a golden veil.      

" How is he?" I asked her. 

She sighed looking at Odin " He's weak, we weren't prepared this time." 

I nodded understanding. I looked at Odin, he looked peaceful, like he was finally resting.   

" How old is he?" I asked her. 

" 5100 years old." she told me. 

" I guess he deserves a little rest now and then." I smiled, which made her smile as well. 

" I presume Loki told you about his heritage." she suddenly said. 

I looked up from Odin to look at her " He did." I said. 

" How did you take it?" she asked worried. 

" Like every girlfriend would I think, I don't really care about what he is, he's still him." 

 My answer made her smile again " Good." she said " You're a wonderful girl." 

And hearing that made me smile. " Thank you." I said " You are too." I really liked Frigga, she was always nice and warm. 

" Have you had a message from your brother yet?" she asked me. 

" You know about that?" I asked confused. 

" Loki likes to talk." she smiled. 

" Oh." I smiled " He hasn't. But it doesn't worry me, he's just like that." I told her. I hadn't expected Peter to reach out right away. He was probably still hurt I left him like that, and I couldn't blame him.

" And your parents?" she asked. He hadn't told her, he knew it was a touchy subject. 

" My mother died when I was four and I don't know who my dad is." I told her, trying not to think about it too much. 

" I'm terribly sorry." she said. I she meant it. I could see the sincerity in her eyes.       

" It's okay." I told her " It's a long time ago." 

" Then, who raised you?" she asked curious.                  

" Yondu." I told her " He's the captain of the Ravager group Peter and I stayed with." 

" Did you steal a lot?" she suddenly asked. Did she know what Ravagers are? How else would she know I stole stuff? What else did she know?

" I'd be lying if I say I didn't." I admitted ashamed " It's how I was raised." 

" We all have done things we aren't proud of." she assured me, even though I doubted she had ever done something wrong.

" Prince Loki asks permission to enter." a guard interrupted us. 

" King Loki is permitted." Frigga corrected him. He walked in, proudly wearing his horns and carrying the scepter. " How was you day?" Frigga asked him. 

" Excellent." he smiled, oh god his smile was just breathtaking. " I was wondering if you'd like to spend the afternoon in the garden, Lily." he said. 

" Depends." I said " Will you be wearing that awfully ridiculous helmet?" I heard Frigga was trying to keep in a laugh. 

" I won't." he told me. 

" Then yes." I smiled and got up. " It was a pleasure talking with you." I told Frigga. 

" The same goes to you." she told me. 

We left the room and Loki took off his helmet. " What do you have against my helmet?" he asked, looking at it. 

" It's just the horns, they're too big. But you do look handsome in it. " I told him. " You look handsome no matter what you're wearing."

" Alright," he smiled " Now let's get some books and your music so we can head out."

We were sitting next to the fountain, like always, listening to music and reading books. I was reading about Nidavellir, and was confused. " Dwarves made Mjölnir?" I asked Loki. 

" Yes, they're really good forgers." he told me. 

" Aren't they too small to do that though?" I asked still confused. 

" Small?" Loki asked, now he was confused " They're huge, stronger than most Asgardians." 

I kept reading " No way," I spoke up again " They really made it from the heart of a dying star?" 

Loki smiled " They did." 

" I thought it was just a metaphor. That's so cool." I said amazed. With every book I learned new things. About Asgard, the nine realms, the rest of the galaxy.

" What are you reading about?" I asked him while eating some grapes. 

" Midgard." he said showing me the book. In the middle page there was a drawing of a map. It was a map of Earth. 

" It says here Asgard is the size of the United States." I read. I looked for the United States, it was just one of the pieces of land on the map. " I didn't know Earth is so big." I said, looking at it in amazement. I wondered where Missouri was, Peter had told me it was where we lived. 

I knew Peter wasn't the one to just send a message, but I hoped he would. I missed him a little bit. I wondered what he and the crew would be doing. If they were stealing something or still trying to sell the gems I had stolen. 

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