17. Roommate

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In New York we arrived at a large building. " We're here." Fury said and we got inside. We took an elevator to the top floor. I just followed. If Thor trusted them, I could too. We walked inside an office and Fury made us sit down. He started typing away on his computer. 

" What's happening?" I then decided to ask. 

He looked up from the screen, " I'm trying to find anything on you." He kept reading and then stopped, he turned the screen to Coulson and I and said " Peter and Lily Quill, both went missing in 1988 the night their mother died. Never to be found." 

I looked at the picture of me and Peter when we were little. With my little pigtails, holding a doll. " Do you, by any chance, happen to know who my father is?" I asked Fury. 

" You don't know your father?" Coulson asked. 

" When we asked our mom she always said he was an angel. And I don't particularly believe in those. So, no." 

Fury looked for a second " Nothing." he said. " I'm sorry." 

" I'm used to it." I told him. 

" If you don't mind me asking." Fury started " Where were you all these years?" 

I smiled " I don't think you'll believe me." I told him. 

" I've been through some weird shit myself, I think I'll believe you." 

I smiled " My brother and I were abducted, by aliens." They didn't seem surprised, so I went on. " And they made us part of their Ravager group. That's where the jacket is from." I said showing the badge on it. " I finally had the courage to run away so I did, crashed on Asgard and stayed there for some time." 

They both nodded and looked at each other, both smiling. 

" Why are you smiling like that?" I asked them a bit scared. 

" We know the perfect place for you to get back on track." Coulson smiled.

" Let's go." Fury said and I followed him out the building. When he wanted to open his car he turned around at me." Where's my keys?" he asked, thinking he maybe had dropped them. 

I got them out of my jacket and apologized " Sorry, bad habit." I tossed them to him and we took the car for a few minutes. Coulson stayed behind trying to figure out something about my dad.

We got out at an apartment building. It had 15 floors, it looked pretty nice. We took the elevator to the 7th floor and walked out. A tall blonde man was waiting for us by the door. He and Fury shook hands, they already knew each other. 

" Steve." He told me, extending his hand for me to shake. 

" Lily." I said. 

" Rogers, this is your new roommate." Fury said when Steve opened the door. 

" Not to be rude, but can I ask why?" I asked. 

" You're both disconnected from the world we live in today." he explained " You still use a walkman" he pointed at me " And you don't even know what that is." he told Steve. How did he not know what a walkman was? " Money will be provided to you by SHIELD." Fury explained to me. " This is a laptop, it has internet, you can use it to look up information." he said handing me a silver rectangle. " I'll be going then, I have other things to do today." he said and walked out. Leaving me standing there with a man I had just met, my roommate. 

" Steve was it, right?" I asked the man and put down the laptop. 

" Yes, I can show you your room if you want." he said. 

" That would be great." I smiled and followed him. 

He opened one of the three doors in the hallway and let me walk in. It was pretty big compared to my room on the ship, but of course it wasn't an Asgardian palace room. I looked through the window and put my backpack on the bed. The view contained the street, other buildings and one tree. Steve then showed me the bathroom and the rest of the apartment. 

Steve was an extremely nice guy, he even made dinner while I tried to figure out how to use the laptop. " What should I do now?" I asked him when I had started the laptop. 

" You go to google, and double click on it." he explained. While I did that he went to stir the pasta sauce. The screen was now white with Google on it in different colours. 

" And now?" I asked him. 

" You type in whatever you want information about." he said from the kitchen. 

What did I want information on? I typed in 'Xandar'. But nothing came up. Maybe they didn't know about the planet. I decided to look up something I knew they knew. 'E.T.' I typed and a bunch of information appeared on the screen. I clicked the wikipedia link which had all the information you would need about the movie, and even clips from it. I looked at it in amazement, " This is so freaking cool." I smiled.

" I hope you like pasta." Steve said putting down two plates and cutlery. I had never seen the food he had put down before. " What did you say it's called?" I asked. Maybe I had before Yondu had picked us up, but I certainly didn't remember it.

" Pasta." he said. I tried a piece of it, " I like it." I said and continued to eat from it.

" This is nice." Steve said while we were eating. 

" It is?" I asked him. 

He smiled " Most people want to know about, you know, Captain America." he said. 

" Should I know?" I asked " Because I have no idea who that is." 

He smiled which made me catch on. " It's you isn't it?" I asked him, he nodded. 

" Maybe we should get to know each other, we're roommates after all." he said. He told me his whole story and I told him mine. He was a literal war hero, who had been frozen in ice for almost 70 years. He was one of the coolest people I had ever met. 

AN: I know her age doesn't add up with the timeline. So just don't think about it too much haha.

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