22. Busy week

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A few hours later I had explored the ship and talked to Natasha. She actually was a really nice woman. She told me how Loki had turned her best friend Clint into one of his henchmen. I still couldn't believe Loki was alive, and that he was doing such horrible things. " We got a hit. Sixty-seven percent match. Wait, cross that, seventy-nine percent." One of the agents suddenly yelled over the bridge. " Location?" Coulson asked. " Stuttgart, Germany. 28, Konigstrasse. He's not exactly hiding." He told him. I looked at the screen. It was him, alive and well. " Captain, you're up." Fury told Steve. I put on my jacket, ready to leave. " Miss Quill." Fury stopped me " I don't think it's a good idea for you to go. " Excuse me?" I asked confused. " We don't know what he's capable of right now." " Maybe he was right " Yeah" I answered and wished Steve and Natasha good luck, staying behind. So I decided to join Bruce in the lab.

" You're not going?" Bruce asked when I sat down on one of the rolling chairs. " Nope." I said." Don't feel bad, he didn't send me either." He said. I gave him a smile. " Why not exactly?" I asked " I mean, Hulk is a good person to have on your team." He looked at me like I had said something wrong, but then realised something. " You don't know the full story, do you?" He asked me. " I don't think so." I told him. He sighed " Yeah well, I can't always control him." I nodded understanding. " Why wouldn't he send you?" He asked me while he was typing away on his computer. " I euh, kinda have a personal past with him." I told him. " With Fury?" He asked turning around in his chair, confused. " No, Loki." I told him. Now he was even more confused. " Now that's a story I'd like to hear." He said taking off his glasses. " You want the short or the long version?" I asked him, sitting down in one of the chairs. He looked at his watch " We have enough time for the long one." He told me. So I told him, everything. Which surprised me, normally I didn't open up like that to people I just met. The only person who knew the whole story was Steve, and now Bruce. " So, how did you crash?" Bruce asked. " I was being followed by the Nova Corps, keep up Bruce." I told him,which made him smile. " And you're telling me he was a nice guy?" He asked at the end of the story. " The nicest. To me at least." I answered. " And his brother Thor, he was on Earth?" He asked. " Apparently around the same time you were in Harlem." I explained to him. " Geez, Fury must have been busy that week." He said. " Why?" I asked him. " That was the same week Steve woke up from his coma." He really must have had a busy week. Captain America, The Hulk and Thor, all in a few days. 

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