20. Mission

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Steve and I had been living together for a few months already. And we had become best friends. We filled our days with figuring out the modern world and some hobbies we picked up. We went bowling, we went boxing to stay in shape and Steve teached me how to draw. Sometimes we sat in Central Park to sketch people passing by, or just the trees and the lake. But no matter how how much we distracted ourselves, sometimes we ended up thinking about the past. 

I already lost count of the times we sat on our balcony at night looking at the stars and talking about our feelings. I knew everything about Steve and he knew everything about me. I knew about Peggy and he knew about Loki. He told me about Bucky and I told him about Peter.

" You wanna go train?" I asked Steve when we were back home from bowling. 

" Sure." he said and grabbed our bags. He handed me mine and we walked to the boxing gym. We trained a lot at night, the owner of the gym had, for a bit of extra money, given us the keys to train when he went home. 

While Steve put tape around his hands I started to jump rope. After that Steve helped me wrap my hands and I joined him at the punching bags. 

I saw he was getting into it, he punched so hard the punching bag flew off the hook. He was even sweating, which didn't happen a lot because of the serum. Something was bothering him, but I knew he would tell me when we got home. When another bag went flying he put a new one on. 

" Trouble sleeping?" I suddenly heard. I looked at the entrance of the gym, Nick Fury walked in. I stopped my music and pulled out my earbuds. 

" Slept for 70 years sir, think I had my fill." Steve told him. I had stopped boxing. 

" You should be out, celebrating, see the world." Fury told us. 

" Oh don't worry, we bowl every week." I told him while Steve and I got rid of the tape on our hands. 

" I went under the world was at war," Steve started " I wake up, and they say we won. But they didn't say what we lost" 

" We've made some mistakes along the way, some very recently." Fury told us. 

" You here with a mission sir?" I asked him when I saw he was carrying documents. 

" I am." he said. 

" Trying to get us back in the world?" Steve asked. 

" Trying to save it." Fury corrected him. 

He handed us a file, showing the Tesseract. Steve had told me about it. " HYDRA's secret weapon." Steve said. 

" Howard Stark fished that out of the ocean when he was looking for you. He thought what we think, the Tesseract could be the key to unlimited sustainable energy. That's something the world sorely needs." Fury explained. 

" Who took it from you?" Steve asked. 

" Someone not from around here, there's a lot we'll have to bring you up to speed on if you're in. The world has gotten even stranger than you already know." He told Steve. 

" At this point I doubt anything would surprise me." Steve told him. 

" Ten bucks says you're wrong." Fury bet. " There's a debriefing packet waiting for you guys back at your apartment." 

We put all the training equipment back and I put on my jacket. " Is there anything you could tell us about the Tesseract that we ought to know now?" Fury asked. 

 " You should've left it in the ocean." Steve told him while we walked out.

On our coffee table lay two usb sticks. We put them into our laptops and different files started to appear on our screens. But nothing with the name of the person who stole the Tesseract. We did however get a file on all the people who were asked to come. Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Steve and I. I didn't know Romanoff or Banner, but Tony had been in the news a few times. 

We decided to take the mission, going to bed immediately because a jet would come and pick us up the next day. 

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