16. Earth

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A few days had passed, and everyone coped with their grieve in different ways. Thor trained, Odin didn't talk much, Frigga looked at paintings of her family and I walked around in the garden. 

I was sitting in the garden, on the edge of a fountain when Frigga sat down next to me and I looked at her. She had tears in her eyes, just like me. She took my hand and held it in hers. We sat in silence for a moment, until she spoke. " He loved you so much." she said. 

I gave her a sad smile " Did you ever wanna tell him?" I asked her " That he wasn't your real son?" 

She nodded " Every day, but Odin forbid it." 

" If he had just told him." I said " Everything would have been different." 

She agreed. She loved him as her own son, because to her he was her son, nomather what race he was. " I think it's time for me to go on with my travels." I told her. 

She gave me a sweet smile. " To Midgard?" she asked me, I nodded. 

" Does Odin know?" I asked her. I had told her I was from Terra, but did he know? 

" He does." she said. 

" Oh." I sighed " So that's why he isn't talking to me." 

" Oh no." she assured me " He copes with loss in solitude. He admires you, because you thawed Loki's heart." 

Another tear slipped from my eyes and a smile formed on my lips. " I will never forget how warmly you've all accepted me." I told her. 

" And we will never forget the love you've shown us." she told me. We got up and she hugged me, her soft touch reminded me of Loki. 

" I'll be going then." I told her. 

" Safe travels." she smiled.

My first stop was at Lady Sif's place. I was holding the keys of E.T. in my hands, dreading the fact I was gonna leave her behind. 

" And why are you leaving it behind?" Sif asked when I handed her the keys. 

" If I would take her I would have to travel for weeks, the Bifrost is faster. And I don't think they're used to spaceships." She nodded. " But please, if you do use her, don't mess around with the interior, I will notice if you've changed anything." I then told her. 

" What did you call it again?" She asked. 

" E.T." I told her. 

" E.T.?" she asked confused. 

" It's an alien from a movie my brother told me about." I explained " You can find a sketch of it on the back of the ship, next to the bathroom."

Stop two was Loki's room, to collect all my stuff. I put my stuff in my backpack together with the light pink dress and one of Loki's daggers. I also grabbed a book to remember him by. I was looking at the view from the room one more time when Thor entered. 

" You're leaving, aren't you?" He asked. 

" I'm going to Earth." I told him. 

" You should try and find son of Coul. He might be able to help you." he told me. 

" I'll look for him." I told him and looked out the window again, the garden and the city were so beautiful. " I'm really gonna miss this place." I told Thor. 

" You're always free to visit." he said. 

" Thanks." I smiled.

Thor had given me a piggyback ride whilst using his hammer to fly us to the bridge. Heimdall was watching over the nine realms as always. But this time he was on the edge of the broken bridge. He needed to use a lot of power to transport someone without the building, but he told me he would do it. I looked at how beautiful Asgard was for one last time and then looked at Thor. He came in for a hug. " Farewell Crasher." He said, giving me a nickname. 

" Till next time Blondie." I smiled and walked closer to Heimdall. 

" Ready?" he asked. 

" Ready."

I held onto my backpack while I got transported through space. After a few seconds I could feel my feet hit the ground. Dust was surrounding me. I saw a woman running towards me, two others following her. She had to be Jane. 

When the dust had settled her smile fell. " Who are you?" the younger girl wearing glasses asked. 

" She definitely isn't Thor." The man said. 

" I'm Lily." I told them " Thor told me to find someone. Do you know where I can find son of Coul?" I asked them. 

They looked at each other " You mean Coulson?" The man asked. 

" Yes." I told him. " Do you know where I can find him?" I asked again. 

" Given the power of the Bifrost I'm pretty sure he'll be here as fast as he can." he told me. 

" Great." I said. 

" Can we get you a cup of coffee in the meantime?" he asked. 

I didn't know what that was but said " Sure."


" So you were abducted, became a ravager ran away, crashed on Asgard and were in a relationship with a prince?" The one called Darcy asked. 

" That's the story." I nodded. 

" You are so fascinating." She told me, while looking at my clothes, I was wearing my ravager coat. 

" Do you have any idea how that arrow of your dad works?" Erik asked. 

" No, and he's not my dad." I corrected him. 

" Geez Erik, keep up with the story." Darcy told him. I had told them my whole life's story.


An hour after landing on Earth a car stopped in front of the building we were in. A man in a suit and one wearing an eyepatch got out of the car and walked in. " We registered Bifrost energy." the suited one said. 

" Yes." Jane answered " And she came out." she told them, mentioning me. 

" Are you Coulson, Thor told me about?" I asked the man. 

" Yes." He said " And you are?" 

" Lily Quill." I told him, shaking his hand. 

" So you're Asgardian?" he asked. 

" Oh no, I'm from Earth." I told him. 

" But you came from Asgard?" The one eyed man asked. 

" Yes, I stayed there for a while." I told him. 

" It's a really interesting story." Darcy added. 

" I'm sorry." I then said " But I didn't get your name." I told the man. 

" Nick Fury." he said in all seriousness " Head of SHIELD. And my only question for you is, why did you come to Earth?" 

" I'd like to start over, on the planet I came from." I told him. 

" I know how we can help you." he told me.


I was in the backseat with Fury driving. " Why do you have a dagger with you?" Coulson asked inspecting my backpack. 

" It was Loki's." I told him. 

" And you have that crazy guy's dagger because?" he asked confused. 

" Because he was my boyfriend, and he died." I said. 

His face went from judgy to remorse. " I'm sorry." he said " I didn't know." 

" It's okay." I told him. " I also have a gun and other daggers in my jackets." I told him. I showed them to him and he nodded. 

When he was done I could see the road we were driving on. It was a long and lonely one. " Where are we going?" I asked Fury. 

" New York." he told me. 

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