↔Chapter 2↔

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Who knew that my mother's hand could move so quick? Mother's face was turning a slight shade of red because of my jokes; while my brother was seriously still debating on how to get away with murder. Father was the only one from my family who seemed to be amused by my usual antics, and Abrielle being the exception as well. Maybe she just laughed a little to be polite, but I would like to think it was because of my witty remarks.

"Are your parents here with you? It would be lovely to meet them as well"

Lets give the award of awkward silence breaker to my mother, there's just  something's you don't ask about, at least in the moment we were stuck at. 

She looked like she was wondering why the earth was taking so long to swallow her up at that moment. You could tell from the nervous eye shift she was doing and the hand gestures she couldn't seem to stop at the moment. My brother most likely knowing the answer to that, came to her aid like a perfect boyfriend would in situations like this "She needs to head back with the girls on the bus, before her coach gets more mad for holding them up. Its Friday and everyone is tired Matisera (mother), you can ask questions another time."

"Oh my apologies Abrielle! I don't want to get you in trouble with your coach, maybe another time Lynx can bring you around for dinner to chat a bit if its alright with you?

"Uh sure that's fine with me, well it was nice meeting you three, goodbye!" She shook all of our hands and gave a quick kiss on the cheek to my brother before whispering something into his ear. We didn't get to decipher anything, because she took off running towards the parking lot where there was a bus waiting.

"Now there's four again! Can we go home now? I would love to make it in time for my date" Maybe joking around like earlier had made the playful effects go away, and this was my own family we were talking about.

"I hope you know teddy isn't a girl to count as a date right brother?" The only downside of having a replica of yourself, is that they knew most of your deepest darkest secrets your parents didn't even know still existed.

"Ori why haven't you told us about your sexual preference? You know your father and I would never stop loving you if you do go for that team. Maybe you can bring him to dinner with us when Lynx's girlfriend comes!

I groaned out loud in frustration, while father and my brother couldn't stop laughing at my expense.

"As much as I look forward to our family talks every day, I'm leaving and I'll see you guys at home." Walking towards my car it seemed my mother couldn't let it go for dear life. "I'll support your choice in gender son!" To make things worse for me, some random guy who was walking out of the concession stands employee door looked me up and down while wearing a pedophile smirk on his face. The only thought I had was: hell no! not happening in a million years.

My survivor instincts kicked in and I made a run for my car, while hearing the booming laughter coming once again from my father and brother. Meanwhile my mom kept asking what was so funny about what she said to me. I finally drove home in silence still contemplating on the fact that the girl who was now my brothers girlfriend; was the girl I admired at when I arrived at the fields earlier. From what I was able to read from her, she can be reserved when she doesn't  know someone, then she probably shows how she really is after the first meeting. Lynx must have had a hard time getting her to say yes to him, because you could see the fire roaming in her eyes.

I wonder how long it would take her to show me her complete personality. I had consumed my thoughts so far into her, I didn't even notice that I had already arrived at home before anyone else. My parents most likely stopped to grab a bite to eat as an excuse to interrogate my brother further, and he was most likely hungry too. I parked my car the closest I could to our front door, because I knew I would be the first one to leave tomorrow in the morning from my family. Grabbing some work papers I needed to work on a little bit more, I got out of my car and walked to the front of the house taking the steps two at a time. By our front door stood our butler James, who was most likely retiring to his room for the night since he wasn't in his uniform.

"Good evening Orion, I was heading to my room after locking the house up when I saw your car pull and decided to wait. I was hoping your day went well, but from the look of your eyes I'll say its been a rather long one."

"Evening James, and thank you for waiting on me even if its late. I won't keep you from bed because I know your tired, but your right my day was exhausting."

"That's not good to hear, but before I forget Marie left some sandwiches in the fridge for the family before heading to bed. Please don't hesitate to grab one before going to bed Orion, even if you are tired you must eat something."

"Thanks I will!" He left towards his room leaving me to put my shoes in their proper place beside the closet next to the front door. After making a quick stop in the kitchen to grab a sandwich, I made my way up the stairs towards my room.

While eating I worked a bit more on my work, before I decided to call it quits for the night and get ready to go to bed. Finally settling myself into bed after doing my usual routine of the night, I unconsciously searched for the teddy bear I was given to completely doze off. When finding him, I turned off my lamp and clutched him close to me hoping he would grant me dreams of the girl I would never be able to have. Within the span of a few minutes, she had spiked my interest more than any other girl I had come across.

That night I would remember as one of the best ones in my life along with many others to come for us. Call me a cliché dork, but our real life journey began that night well at least for me it did. She would become one of the most important people in the world to me without her even knowing it yet. She would consume my being beyond my understanding not until some time later would I get a slight glimpse of why. I know it sounds creepy in a way, but it doesn't matter I would gladly repeat our story again as long as she would be introduced into my life with the good and the bad. Father and mother would come to love her as their own daughter, and my brother would always be devoted to her like myself. In the end this was real life and like they say you can't have your cake and eat it too. I'm hoping I got that saying right, if not the Olsen twins had seriously failed me. Enough! I could live in my thoughts another time, for now I would sleep and count the days till I saw her again.

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