Chapter 10

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Rare does it happened in people's life that time flies by because of someone. I think I had become that one in a lifetime occurrence because after our little outing to Six Flags the days started to move along faster. Before I knew it the month of October had come and I was beyond busy with work that I hardly had any communication with the outside world apart from the random call from my parents or text to Lynx. Eventually my new so called best friend decided she needed to make her presence know in my life because I hadn't been keeping up with my best friend duties. It started one afternoon I was working from home and the doorbell went off, leaving me puzzle as to who it was because Lynx should have been in school still. Deciding to see who it was, I made my way out of my room down to the front door to see who it was.......

Orion: "James who's at the door??"

James: "Its the young Miss Abrielle, sir"

Finally getting to the door, I opened it wider to let her come inside. Like always she took my breath away every time I saw her and I knew I needed to get a better hold of my emotions before anyone else noticed my inner dilemma with her.

Orion: "Well hello mikro mou (little one) what brings you here? are you playing hooky? Lol because I don't know if I'll be able to lie when they ask me where you're at"

Abrielle: "Ha ha nice to know you would bail on me if I needed you gattino (kitty), but if you must know I don't have afternoon classes and well I wanted to see you since you've been MIA on me"

Orion: "I regret letting you call me that"

Abrielle: "Why? Its cute, plus your nickname is better than the one I have for your brother"

Orion: "Uh please do tell what you call him when you two are alone"

Abrielle: "Nuh uh I am not spilling secrets!"

Orion: "You're such a buzz kill"

She merely laughed at my response, but I couldn't help myself but ask because it would be like having one up on my brother. Knowing we couldn't stand in front of the door the whole day, I led her into the family's entertainment room to chat better. However she really didn't want to talk much just be in my presence she says, so we decided to watch a movie for the time being. Being the gentleman that I am I let her pick and mentally preparing myself for a chick flick, but like the saying goes never judge a book by its cover.

Orion: "So what sob story do I have to mentally prepare myself for agape?"

Abrielle: "Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I'll be a stereotype.... have a little more faith in me"

Putting up my hands in a 'I surrender' motion, I got comfy in one of the rooms couches to wait for the movie to start up. The credits of the movie started to roll and to my shock she had chosen a superhero movie.

Orion: "Ok I probably should have seen this coming since your mom did tell us you had a fascination for superheroes, but it still kind of blows my mind"

Abrielle: "What can I say? I'm a Jack of hidden likes and talents!"

I smiled at her because little by little she was letting me see her true self. As soon as the movie started I could tell she had seen it a couple of times already because she would recite some of the lines out loud. Also in some parts of the movie she would show so much raw emotion that I couldn't help myself, but tease her a bit and enjoy seeing her cheeks turn a bit red. Maybe it was the long hours I had been doing, but I completely nodded off and next thing I know I knocked out. Some time later I woke up to a dark room a little bit disorientated, but then I remembered I was watching a movie with Abrielle. Intending to get up and go look for her I didn't notice that her head was in my lap; passed out like I was a few seconds ago. Knowing I wouldn't get this opportunity again I started running my fingers through her hair...

Orion: "You are beyond beautiful, but I won't betray blood even though I feel differently every time I see you." I leaned down and kissed her forehead full intent on getting up to go see what time it was, but luck thought I should get a break right then and there because she woke up as I was doing it.

Abrielle: "Gattino (kitty) what are you doing?"

Just my effin luck, what do I say now?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2016 ⏰

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