↔Chapter 6↔

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Maybe if I had the balls to talk about my feelings more with a girl I would have known that little things can piss a girl off or make her jealous. However, being who I am those things were completely oblivious to me. After dancing the night away with Ayde well it seemed like it, the time to leave had come for the guest.

"Thanks for giving me the pleasure to dance with you matia-mou(precious)" I kissed the back of her hand while giving her a quick wink and made my way towards my family where they were saying goodbye to Abrielle and her mother.

"Thank you for inviting us to your birthday party Abrielle, everything was beyond amazing and the food  extremely delicious"

"No need for the thank you Jaci, I was more than glad you guys could make it to my birthday party on such a short notice"

"Well it was our pleasure being here, but now this is our present to you, and before you open it there's no giving it back we won't accept that!"

My mother handed her the envelope I had seen her carry in her hands earlier; as she opened it and read she turned slightly red making me curious to what my parents could have possibly given her for her birthday. She then showed it to her mother who simply smiled in gratitude to my parents for the gift:

"Oh my god! Is this for real?!?!? Thank you soooooo much!"

She gave both my parents a hug and kissed my mother's cheek as a thanks. After she took off running towards the four people that looked like her that I still didn't get to meet properly leaving us laughing a little at her behavior.

"Matisera (mother) I think my girlfriend likes you more than me now because I didn't get a kiss on the cheek when I gave her my present...... what did you give her?"

"We gave her passes to go see the filming of the next Avenger's movie as well as the movie's premiere passes for New York City" My brother glared at them after she was done saying what they had given her "Now thanks to you two I'm going to be put in second place for my girlfriend for the next weeks" I was a little clueless as to what the fuss was about, but Clariee cleared it up for me... bless her soul.

"Bella has a thing for comic books she loves superheroes more than you can imagine and well she's a big Avengers' fan that's why she looks like she's close to having a panic attack right now"

We all turned from our group to seeing Abrielle jumping up and down in front of the guys I hadn't got to meet tonight. They were all smiling at her with a softness in their eyes that made me think they were actually related to her; we also couldn't stop the soft laughter coming out of our mouths because she was waving her arms around crazily and while screaming. 

"Sorry for the unexpected question, but who are those guys to Abrielle?" Her mother turned towards me, "You didn't get to meet my sons?" I shook my head to let her know I hadn't.

"Those are my sons Maximilius, Dante, Gaetann, and Luscious." All four of those names sounded like mob-bosses to me really, but I wouldn't be the one to judge. I mean my parent's had gone and named their only two sons Orion and Lynx after the constellations. 

"Well its late so we will take our leave and let you guys rest for the night... but once again thank you and hopefully we will see each other again Clariee" Father spoke gently to Abrielle's mother while helping my mom back into her jacket.

Mother kissed Clariee on her cheek, and father shook her hand, my brother as well, and lastly me she gave me a hug before I could even extend my hand out to say goodbye. After letting the shock wear off I hugged her back and kissed her cheek which thankfully she smiled in return. Lynx quickly went to say goodbye to Abrielle even though she was probably still on cloud nine after my parents gift. Finally we retrieved the car from the valet and made it back home. Everyone was too tired to have some leftover chatter which made us just go up to our individual rooms after saying goodnight. After quickly getting myself ready for bed a message came through my phone just as I was about to shut my eyes to fall asleep for the night.

Reaching under my pillow to look at my phone I came across an unknown number, but after reading the message I didn't have to guess much as to who the person was:

***********: "Before you think its a crazy stalker or something I got your number from Lynx, but since I really didn't get to properly say goodbye tonight and say thank you after what you did for me today I wanted to do it now :) Thank you and goodnight migliore amico (best friend)!"

Deciding that the night was still young why not indulge in some light converstion with someone who fascinated me as much as she did? I pushed my pillows slightly up to make myself sit half-way up from my bed and replied to Abrielle:

Orion: Figured it was you after you mentioned my replica in the message because I doubt the world can handle two of me right now ;) and don't even mention it, I was glad I could help! Still I'm amazed you remembered I existed from the way you forgot everyone after my parents handed you their gift.

Abrielle: *blush* Sorry I couldn't help it they kind of hit jackpot with that even though on my birthdays I don't expect gifts.... and now I can see why you and Lynx are twins both of you are so conceited!

Orion: So people can tell us apart I tell them I'm the better looking one :D well I hope I hit jackpot with my gift as well.

Abrielle: Ha ha ha he said the same thing, but I don't know you completely well yet to say anything for my account. Yes you hit jackpot too even though you didn't have to, but either way thank you for it! I will play to my hearts desire now

Orion: As I told you earlier don't let life get in the way of you doing what you enjoy the most mikra (little one)

Abrielle: Well I will always remember this birthday now :), but on other things since I would like to get to know my boyfriend's twin brother more how about you join us for Six Flags this next Saturday? Your brother is coming along and I'm sure he wouldn't mind you tagging along... more people are going so don't worry about you being a third wheel ;)

Orion: If my schedule is free I'll go, and I never have to worry about being a third wheel little one because eventually I would have a girl beside me to keep me company :D

Abrielle: Lol ok Romeo whatever you say, but I do hope you can make it! Now I will say goodnight because my eyes are shutting without me noticing

Orion: Alright agapimeni(sweetheart) I won't keep you up much longer since you had a long night... goodnight little one

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