explaining how you feel is the hardest
but the most important too
it will take time and you will struggle
but you are going to be free after that
the pressure on your chest is going to leave your body
you will be able to breathe againat least that's what people say
that it's getting betteri said that too
i don't know if it's true
it didn't work for mei explained to so many people
nobody understood
and i'm tired of trying to explaini think people don't even want to understand
i don't know what they want
but not even my closest friends and family were able to get what i told themthey hear what i say
but i don't think that they really listen to the words that come out of my mouthmaybe they don't want to listen
because it's hard to accept that someone you love has those terrible feelingsi wish they would understand
but they don't
so explaining was exhausting
and it still isi don't believe that it's worth the effort
so i think i will keep it all to myself again
survive my own little galaxy #Pessi-Award2019
Poetry[diese tage sind die schlimmsten das leid, das ich an ihnen empfinde, fühlt sich wie mein lebendiger tod an ich kann ihn sogar sehen, meinen tod, aber aufhalten kann ich ihn nicht es ist so, als könnte ich genau fühlen, wie ich innerlich sterbe und...