Universal Creation Pt.1

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The universe sighed annoyed as they started to create different things. First a boy, "Hmm, you're Father Sky" They said to them. "Father Sky...so I control the skies and stars?" He asked them "exactly that" they said to him, placing him on a cloud. He looked down at the world below him. "But...who controls that?" He asked pointing at the ground below. They had him some clothes to put on "That's what i'm about to do, now don't look" they said as they started to create a girl. Xavier nodded covering his eyes as he put his clothes on, waiting for what he was creating. They gave her clothes to put on "you are Mother Nature, you can look now Father Sky" He opened his eyes seeing a vision of beauty before him. "Whoa..." She blushed at his comment, smiling softly at him. "You two are to never see each other again"

Xavier looked to them shocked. "What?! Why not?!" He said. The universe looked at them, "cause you two are destined to destroy each other" Isabella looked at him, frowning "Understand?" They said looking at Isabella "Yes" she whispered, they looked at Xavier "understand?" He sighed nodding his head yes. "Yes..." he whispered. The universe sent Isabella down to her area and put Xavier in the sky "now make yourselves comfortable" Isabella sighed making flowers. Xavier created clouds and stars sighing wishing he could just talk with her. Isabella couldn't help but think about him, she blushing thinking about them being together! She shook the thought out of her head and continued. Creating a bug "ha! Cool!" She smiled.

Xavier started to paint the skies, darker shades, creating a beautiful pink and violet sky, making the yellow star, a light Orange as he created something with the Stars. Isabella started to make mountains, colorful flowers, trees going high up to the sky. She hesitated but looked up to see what he was going. He was creating constellations in all sorts of shapes and sizes, he was making shapes in the clouds, and throwing small stars making them shooting stars, he sighed looked down at her beautiful creation...he just wanted to talk with her. Isabella sighed sadly...maybe she can send him a message!! She spells out 'hello' with leaves. Hoping he could read it. He smiled seeing the message, if she could write in the leafs...then... he tried spelling 'Hi' in stars. She blushed, not knowing what to say. She sighed writing something 'They look very beautiful!'
He blushed as he wrote back. 'Thanks! Yours does too!' She squealed, her face burning up! What now!! She didn't a little panic dance. She sighed in defeat on what to say.... '...' she puts a location to meet her. He squealed going to the location. He was nervous. What was gonna happen?! Was she going to tell him to stop talking to him?! He hoped that wouldn't be it...

Isabella got to the location blushing, she walked behind him "don't turn around... we can't see eachother... doesn't mean we can't speak" she blushed, playing with her dress. He blushed her voice was so sweet. "Right...uh...your plant is beautiful Mother Nature..." he said pulling at his sleeve. She blushed "I love the stars, they're so bright" she said feeling him grab her hand. She gasped her heart beating like crazy. "T-thank you" he said blushing. "I-I'm sorry I-i shouldn't have held your hand without asking!" He said pulling away thinking she hated it. She held it tightly "it's okay! I-I was shocked... that's all... can you keep your eyes closed?" She whispered. He nodded his head keeping them closed. "They're closed..." he said quietly, wishing he could look at her again. She blushed "the second you open them I'll run away and we can never see eachother again... okay?" She whispered sadly. "I-I know..." he said sadly. She moved in front of him with her eyes closed, she held his face, softly kissing him. He kissed back softly, she was amazing, She was nothing he will ever be able to experience ever again. He wanted to open his eyes, but he made a promise, and he can't rise never seeing her again. He held her face softly as they continued to kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck, blushing like crazy, god.

Isabella Wanted to open her eyes so badly... so she did see his eyes open "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" She screamed running away. He couldn't help it! He had to open them! He didn't think she'd open them too! He panicked, he ruined everything! He sighed sitting on the ground she created holding one of the small flowers from the ground. "Why...why did I open them... I-I'll never see her again...". She sobbed holding herself, "oh why did I have to open my eyes! I could've just kept them closed and never known! We would have still been together!" She cried, rivers filling. He went back to his sky. He had to tell her how sorry he was! He started to write it out in the stars hoping she would see. 'Mother Nature, I'm so sorry I never should have open them, but...I was glad I did. Because I got to see what true beauty is. I'm sorry I looked..." she gasped feeling the universe grab her tightly "I knew I should've made two boys... now I need to replace you" she cried begging her not. "Please Universe! I'll never disobey you again!!!" She cried, struggling to breath. Xavier could feel her being hurt, he felt the universe! He went down seeing he was hurting her. "STOP IT MY FAULT! DON'T HURT HER!" He begged. The universe didn't listen "she opened her eyes as WELL SHE WILL PAY THE PRICE!" They yelled, Isabella could feel her ribs cracking. The life she made dying as she started to. He gasped seeing the life around her die. He had to find a way to stop this! His anger was rising, lighting flashed down onto the ground as he created a lighting bolt throwing it at the Universe. "STOP HURTING HER!" They smirked "oh? You think you are more powerful than me?" They asked, killing her. She fell to the floor as the color drained out of her.

"NOOOOOOOO!!" He cried a hurricane starting to form as he rushed to her body cradling it in his arms. "Please...please don't leave me...don't leave me..." The universe watched "Father Nature will be here by tomorrow" they said to him. He cried hugging her tight. His tears falling onto her face as he kissed her again, just wishing he could feel her kissing back. She softly kissed back, color flowing though her. A golden flower growing right by them. Her emerald green eyes fluttered opened. He gasped seeing her eyes open. "M-mother nature! Y-your Alive!" He said hugging her again crying as the hurricane disappeared. She gasped looking at him "oh my hero, my handsome hero" she said holding him tightly, kissing him again. He kissed back lovingly. "Mother Nature I was so scared I'd never see you again..." he said worried. She blushed seeing his face close up "however shall I repay you my love?" She asked him, holding him close. "Never leave me again please" he said kissing her again. "Then I'll be yours forever" She whimpered her eyes getting heavy. He created a cloud for her to rest on. "Rest...I promise I won't leave your side." He said to her softly. She smiled kissing him "I-" she didn't know if it was too soon to say I love you. He sighed kissing her head softly. "Sleep...I'll be right her...." he said not sure if he should say he loves her. She looked at him, wanting him to say it. He looked at her lovingly. He had to say it.

"I love you...Mother Nature..." he said softly to her. She blushed softly "I love you Father Sky" She whispered falling asleep in his arms.

*Sigh* I remember how...broken I felt...when I lost you...
*avoids eye contact* I should've listened to the universe and never gave you that location... never looked at you...
*Sadly sighs* I...I still have those constellations I made...that first night...
Why? Why do you still have them?
Because they remind me of the person I should have stayed as. The guy you fell in love with...
*starts to cry* I'm leaving. *storms off, heart broken*
*Rain falls on top of him, as his tears do as well.* I...I never should have done what I did... *Leaves heart broken as he clears a part of the sky, showing the message he made after he opened his eyes for the first time...*

Aww sad Izzy sad Xavier ;~;
Poor kiddies because this will only get worse for them :0 What was the event that broke them up? Well you'll find out in later chapters! As usual the same story is on -CosmeticWaves- profile too so please go support them too!

More to come as the story continues~

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